
'cept that my "landing page" for any sub-topic (music, TV, films) is no longer customized. So I can't find the shit I want without sifting through everything else. How is that "much simpler"?

Reads like a list of excuses for why all the best features no longer exist. Why the fuck would you do this relaunch if you weren't ready? Same contractor as Obamacare?

I also miss being able to easily check my comment history, having a "settings" page that didn't just ask me to change my password, and the ability to follow shows of my choosing.

Axe Cop: a television version of a short web comic written by a toddler. Adaptation decay not required.

This new site layout is utter crap. I miss "My TV Club." Why? Because Grimm wouldn't be at the top of my feed, nor 60% of all the rest of the shit on my TV club homepage.

C+? I hate grade nitpicking, but damn. I thought this was a solid A.

Last time I checked, the Tribe played in October / Much unlike the Yankees, whose season was over.

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus Actually, the ricin capsule has been around since Season 4.  The concept of poisoning someone with ricin was introduced in Season 2.

I got the impression Bob was with Manolo. Not that he was coming on to Pete.

OK, I didn't think Bob was hitting on Pete. Bob is dating Manolo. The knee nudge was a quiet way of not saying it out loud. This was also why he was confident that the nurse wasn't sticking it to Pete's mom.

This was the most pointless article I've seen in a long time, but at least you got my click. Happy ad revenues, guys!

Why does Todd review everything I watch?

Nope. Not watching it.

"Fuck your prescriptive posting ideas.


@avclub-a21235289da923b58718825672ad8cee:disqus Or maybe everyone is not on board with the "if it's new it's not good anymore" fetish?

"The tl;dr summation of the review here seems to be 'It was a smashing, groundbreaking success when it wasn't an unmitigated failure.'"

At least Todd mentioned what he was reviewing in the first paragraph.  Sure, that single paragraph was the equivalent of 1 page of double-spaced 12-pt Times font, but it's a start?


Disagree that HIMYM has had any truly terrible seasons.  Disagree also that the last two seasons are worse than the "decline" seasons.  I'd say it's done a bit of bouncing back.