Prof. Earwig Silverfish

If it could incorporate that white boy from Powder, that would definitely be a plus for a certain demographic.

I believe it's been proven via several longitudinal studies that the world's horribleness effectively crushes everyone's soul equally, regardless of their preparation to face it.

Mormonism is the new Buddhism.

I disagree.  In fact, book covers are specifically written to make you want to read a book, and if it fails horribly in doing that one thing, there is very little hope that the book itself is worth reading.

Yes, I went to Harvard, and Harvard went to me.

Time to reopen the William Holden death (murder) case.

I believe he also killed Orson Wells.

Bill Bixby is generally considered the poor man's Robert Wagner.

Who killed Cock Robin?

Died before it was completed.  But fortunately the new magic of CGI was invented to save the movie from complete obscurity.  Unlike Something's Got to Give, which also featured Marilyn Monroe as a shipwreck survivor.

I thought it was generally understood that a drunken Robert Wagner punched Natalie Wood in the face, she fell overboard, and was rescued by Kurt Russell, who made her believe she was his wife.

It doesn't appear he's ever heard of Noxema cleansing cream.

This does not look like a pleasant evening at the cinema.

Let's get Buddha, he'll eat anything.

To me, they'll always be Mmimfizzish Vumvabt.

I find myself having to be content alone with my important work.

I would enjoy dating Ms. Moore.

A recognized cornerstone of geekiness is the underlying sense of superiority.

They were certainly not The Standells.

That crossed over the line from trivia to inconsequentia.