RJ Yelverton

Thank you for this
How delightfully odd and poorly conceived. I really enjoyed seeing Malcolm Jamal Warner in glamour mode.

See below. Taking things from Jacob doesn't end well for the taker.

You take something from Jacob…
he tricks and you lose your birthright?

I consider myself pretty desensitized

I' actually preferred last summer's Hulk as it had the right mix of Bruce Banner regret, fear, wandering helper and Hulk destroying everything in his path. It moved and I thought it nailed the character. Those who hated the CG and closing fight, I understand, but it all worked for me. I even preferred it to Iron Man,

My parents let me watch Rear Window and The Man Who Knew Too Much at a very young age. I was hooked on movies from that day forward.

So many questions

The film asks you to suspend your disbelief—particularly in its next to the last scenes—but its a pretty bleak movie with some nightmare imagery and depictions of terrorism—sort of—that could shake a sensitive kid up. It is not a fun movie.

I think we can all agree that Shyamalan already made the definitive movie about bee AIDS.

Fool in the Rain. It gives me the same kind of joy as Baba O'Riley.

Neko Case "I Wish I Was the Moon"

Worse than?
For the life of me I cannot remember
What made us think that we were wise and
We'd never compromise
For the life of me I cannot believe
We'd ever die for these sins
We were merely freshmen

A good jumping off point for old school country…
is the soundtrack to "A Perfect World." After I heard it, country began to make sense to me. The songs are great, fun to sing along to, and perfect driving music.

Is this show still on?
+6 internets

Thanks for the punchline
Puts the other 23 into perspective. Here's hoping Stephen Norrington gets nowhere near "Black Hole".

Thanks for taking one for the team
You have successfully satisfied all my curiosity about the show.

Lil Opie Cunningham
How much longer do we have to suffer through the influence of the T Pain Bot 3000?

Should read "competence, incompetence…"

Anyone who appreciated every book
..they ever read never suffered through Nora Roberts "Jewels of the Sun" or Stephen King's "Wizard and Glass." (The first for a class on genre; the second because I had enjoyed the "Dark Tower" up until that point.)

The opening of the film was unnerving
And at the time I saw the film, it frightened me tremendously. Great movie.