Captain Howdy

Get down on the ground and KISS THIS MAN'S FEET!!!!

I think the brilliance is less for originality than for just how well it fits the characters in this specific case.

Is Metallica doing a Forever Changes tribute album?

I seriously can't tell these two guys apart most of the time.

I love that exchange in particular because I showed the movie to a friend of mine once and he really didn't care for it, but we're still able to quote and laugh at that moment together.


I need to check that out, I've literally only heard "Hotdogs" when someone showed it to me last year. I'm very curious about the rest of the Hasil Adkins catalogue, hahah.

I'm pretty sure this was making the rounds literally ten years ago.

"No More Hot Dogs" legitimately makes me laugh with joy.


I really like this post.

Weird, I was very unmoved by this album when I heard it last (and I'm a huge Dino fan), but everyone seems to love it. Maybe I should listen to it again and reevaluate.

This is so cute.

I would love to toss Jared Leto onto some railroad tracks.

I think either plan makes sense in context, but the book had the benefit of being able to elaborate on all the details and illustrate the political atmosphere a lot more explicitly in order to make Ozy's plan seem doable. The movie plot I think is fine on paper, but I don't think they had enough time to properly

The actual actor was great, but movie Rorschach really bothered me because they clearly couldn't decide between making the guy talk through the mask and using ADR, so his voice is muffled in half the scenes and fake in the other half and it's really disconcerting.

I tend to regard the book The Shining as supplementary material to the movie.

Same here. The changes to his plot were cool, but Ozy himself was by far the worst part of the movie.

I actually thought structurally the movie was a great adaptation of the book. They cut the right parts and all the plot changes made sense. It was just that as a movie it had huge issues.

I could see Bruce Springsteen doing an Indiana Jones thing.