Captain Howdy

For some reason I always feel I have trouble explaining Mystery Science Theater. I always say it's just a bunch of guys who get together and make fun of terrible movies, but some of them are robots, and it's a DIY Minnesota thing, but that just sounds really dumb coming out of my mouth somehow.

I'm still kind of amazed Ron Asheton from the Stooges never seemed to catch any long-term flak for literally wearing a nazi armband, iron cross etc. at their concerts. I feel like almost anyone else, in any other band would have been retroactively roasted for that.

I always thought it was that exact proximity to WW2 that made a lot of british kids want to flaunt nazi taboo. It was so close to home, and so recent, I think it was still very much a subject on people's minds. Not that it makes wearing swastika pins cool, but I can see how it would happen.


Darkest Dungeon in the morning, Darkest Dungeon in the evening, Darkest Dungeon at suppertime!

I hate that kind of catastrophizing as much as you do, I'm just saying I was incredibly anxious.

I love this so much

Come on baybey, gimme a break!

I've slept maybe three hours since last night. Was awake the whole time feeling exactly the same.

Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone. Deadzone.

My first one!

No. Stop it. Stop picking at this scab, you're literally accomplishing nothing and it's gross.

That is some cyberpunk megacorp bullshit

That got a laugh out loud from me

Gibbon. I love the word gibbon.

Germany has made some really great, intelligent films about WW2, one I can think of having Hitler as a main character. The general consensus on those movies is very positive, Should they not have made those?

It's a really uncomfortable premise, but so was The Man in the High Castle, and I thought that was a beautiful book. Are we really going to start shitcanning stuff because it deals with uncomfortable subject matter?

I hope they play some of their hits. After this week I need a Lift.

Can we let go of this "Radiohead is suicide music" meme

Things like this always make me think: Wow, Butthole Surfers were on Capitol Records. They made Independent Worm Saloon, an album closed by a track that's 8 minutes of vomiting, with Capitol Records money.