
Dude, how the fuck can someone say no to joining The Who? He has some pair.

This is definitely the darkest timeline.

They should start a grassroots campaign of kids under 13 saying "Fuck the MPAA!"

"Dad, do you know what schadenfreude is?"
"No, I don't know what schadenfreude is. Please tell me because I'm DYING to know."

Archer's 3rd season ended Thursday, which made me sad because I really love this show. Then I realized Archer's 2nd season was added to Netflix, and seeing as I hadn't seen them since last year, I decided to watch the first three. Then the next three. Then the whole season.

I'm in agreement with pretty much everything in this comment. This season was unbelievable. A+. I loved every minute of it.

They were only half full cause all the seniors had to go to bed.

Michael Bay's version of "relaxing" involves a cocaine line the size of a cruise ship.

Smart-O-Meter! Finale! Hooray!

They shouldn't acknowledge the change of animal, but the dialogue should change, if only to hear Dustin Hoffman screaming "I GOT FIFTY GRAND ON THAT LLAMA!"

Every season they should switch up the animals they ride and pretend like nothing's wrong. So, second season has Zebras, third season has Camels, fourth season has Llamas, etc.


The non-cast member is a writer named Mike O'Brien. He does a web series called '7 Minutes in Heaven' and it's really funny.

You don't take another man's potato chips.

Smart-O-Meter for the week. Enjoy. Now, back to the Oscars! Oh, that Billy Crystal. If I were middle aged, he'd melt my heart.

Well, to be more specific, 7th through 9th was: PC gaming (CS 1.6, Original CoD, Starcraft), Conan, bed. Then I made friends and got a DVR, and 10th through 12th was: DVR'ing Conan, smoking pot in friend's basements, bed.

I saw Jeff Mangum live and loved it. The crowd was seated the whole time (which I preferred since the whole set is acoustic) and still had the same reverence and love for him. Everyone was chill, singing together and just enjoying a set. It certainly wasn't a ground breaking concert, but that's not what it's meant to

As someone with similar memories (middle school through high school was PC gaming, Conan, bed) I disagree. I certainly don't think Conan is what he once was, but he still has a consistently funny and enjoyable show. I used to watch Late Night every night, no matter who the guest was. But now I admit I only watch

My local movie theater permanently smells like eighth graders.