Undignified Blather

and was a terrible idea.

They've made ALL the shows on FXX crazy difficult to stream on anything now. I thought I could just buy a season pass of sunny, but nope, install news apps and blah blah blah. whatever, FXX

yo momma's a poop that took a pee.

hurr duur durr I sit in a closet hunched over a desk, instead of lying back on a couch playing a game on a big screen tv, hurr durrr durr.

hah, that makes the line even funnier.

Stan is the Starks, because he's on the right side. if only too naive.

that is a gigantic 'NO' for Heroes.

Well, simm did take the time lords back to the Time War before the Doctor ended it all with 'the moment,' didn't he? Perhaps the Master brought about peace before a Doctor pushes the button because timey wimey?

The back half of season one is miles better than the first, and it gets progressively better.

The thing is, they're not supposed to be immediately scary looking. You are supposed to almost laugh at the absurdity of the thing. And the Doctor is supposed to say, "FOR FUCK'S SAKE, GET AWAY FROM THAT THING, WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!"


it looks exactly like the power armor batman wore in the dark knight returns, judging from the kevin smithness, of it all.

or just original nick fury. 616 Marvel Comics has already brought in 'Sam Jackson' Nick Fury as Nick Fury Jr., right?

And Mark Steven Johnson is a shitty, shitty director.

But it isn't, which is ridiculous.


It will be the year I'm officially an old ass man.

it's cuz they canceled the absolutely perfect Batman: Brave and the Bold for CGI crapablap. Not even batman can pull off cgi crapablap.

in no universe is a batman show without batman a good idea.

There's gotta be a sweet, sweet Frank Castle tease somewhere for season two.