Undignified Blather


with you in that boat, OMD got me to nearly quit comic books. As it is, with the nu52 bullshit, the enthusiasm I use to have for the whole endeavor is out the window.

Everything I know about classic cinema and television I likely saw a parody on the Simpsons first.

He really is an unsung hero of the series. Llyod really disappeared into the role and something great.


He is the absolute best part of one of those Command and Conquer: Red Alert games.

He's looking for love while also motivated by a need for 'nerd revenge.' Stuart is obviously a nerd that has been in quite a few awkward situations. Stuart's not interested in settling with a nice girl, or a 'nobody'. He didn't move to LA to get with a nice girl from the Midwest. He wants an actress/model, a

sad to say I would be down. Then whine on the internet that these three awesome dudes aren't on a better sitcom.

There is definitely no Robert California levels of bad, but Zoey comes close. But we get the Captain, and that's enough of a win, i'd wager.

Quicksilver in X-men will get a five-second action sequence of a bunch of slow-mo to super fast speed where Bryan Singer pretends like we're not sick of Zak Snyder and the Matrix.

The Avengers are currently disbanded. My money is on quicksilver and scarlet witch just being more special agents of shield that get caught up in the initial thingy that starts avengers 2.

I downvoted and disagreed with everything you said. you're welcome.


Frankly, I thought the frank delivery and Rick's reaction in the scene really sold the entire thing. a very important two minutes to miss out on.

it deserves an F!

because wife beating is something to be swept under the rug.

THIS. OMgerd Keaton was a great bruce wayne is all the wrong.

Vision is a bunch of watching Data from Star Trek: TNG. "how do I feel feelings, derp?"

And they waited so long to let us know who it was… like it was going to be a big damn deal…. and it's just Bradley Cooper.

I mean edgar wright and simon pegg goofing off in the marvel universe. Fuck a load of this Paul Rudd bullshit news.