Too Fat To Be A Hipster

Whenever there's a call for coverage of something like "Superjail!" I always feel like I need to be the Detective Munch and lobby for nothing. We don't need it.

Mulder being a long term hard core porn addict on X-Files.

At first I was like "I hate every single person in that photograph especially the dude in the red pants with a mohawk".

"OK, Mike, it's your turn to pick the movie for movie night… what do you want to watch?"

I have to point out that Wal-Mart brand Cajun Trail Mix does not pass the Bechdel Test, either.

Somehow I got "Rope" and "The Room" confused. And I was like "For all the shit The Room gets, it was pretty ambitious to film it in real time, and I'm glad to see it's finally getting some recognition".

I imagine you driving around town, popping into sports bars, walking up to random groups of people, saying "Excuse me, I don't follow sports", and leaving.

Shit, it's even on Hulu Minus.

I got a friend into this show, so I'm trying.

I did not like Jay Leno much to begin with, but after his appearance on this show, I like him even less. He's against *sunglasses*? He had never even *tried* coffee before? Way to live it up.

"Pshaw, those pencil-pushing bureaucrats in washington, always holding investigations to find out why half of the CIA/NSA/FBI/DHS/SHIELD turned out to be Supernazis. That kind of thing is just gonna happen. Why can't they do something important for once?"

Man why can't I get a super-hot brain surgeon girlfriend.

And I'm lookin like a boss though, in head-to-toe Target.

That kid's name is spelled Eero and it's a Scandinavian name.

Re: The Way, Way Back.

I'm five minutes into the episode, but… are they going to turn this show into the CW show "Reaper"?

> Heroes’ Adrian Pasdar
Correction: *Profit's* Adrian Pasdar.

This episode is really… good? Am I really saying that? I may be having a stroke.

I still think that they were waiting so long for Capn to subvert the last ship that they could have just used that time to just SHOOT at the last ship.

They should just say "She was a member of the FSB—you know, the bigger badder KGB"