Too Fat To Be A Hipster

I liked *Ministerio Del Tiempo* better when it was called Sliders.

Although let me tell you my idea for a new show… The Trump Pope.

This comment is from an parallel universe where Trump was not elected president.

If you ever mixed all the paints to make a super-paint you very well known that the highest level is Greenish-Brown.

Good luck. As far as I can tell, not even the pirates get Epix.

I also want to mention: there is some badass cinematography in this show.

There are a lot of little easter eggs in this show—for each one I catch, I wonder how many I miss. The one I caught this week is that the video game "Dark Seoul" is actually the name of a malware package. http://krebsonsecurity.com/…

Gaffigan's standup (at least the older stuff) was hilarious.

I just assumed the photo was from Buzzfeed's "7 Stars of Saving Private Ryan who really let themselves go" article.

Robert Pattinson looks ridiculous. I have trouble determining why—it's probably the Twilight Taint, but there's a small chance he just really is a weird looking human.

They're also "Band Most Likely To Have Faked Their Own Death In The Last Two Hours" so that proves nothing.

In this movie, they move into a cramped, dirty, run-down two story house in SF.

I feel like the RnRHoF's relevance came to an end the first time someone put up a ZZ Top fan page on geocities. Why isn't "insert band name here" in the RnRHoF? I dunno, but why don't you just read about them on wikipedia? Bonus: you just saved yourself a trip to that dystopian hellhole known as "Cleveland".

He did in fact have a personality-altering Arteriovenous malformation and brain surgery in 2010, so if that's when you turned around on him, I guess… mystery solved.

The porn parody name writes itself.

Actual conversation I had: "Hey, what's that Red Nose Day billboard about?" "Hmm, maybe a benefit for Robin Williams?" "Oh, that makes sense."

Thanks a lot, Fukushima breezes.

I'm fairly certain that means the entire movie was filmed on Tatooine.

If you've not seen the finale yet, be aware that the above *could* be a typo and he was talking about Stampy from "1F15 - Bart Gets an Elephant", and it's not actually a spoiler.

I wish I had a bottle of adderal and a couch so I could Falcor-pimp my ride.