Lazlo Hollyfeld

Bad questions/unskilled interviewer/indifferent band
It's a perfect storm of terrible interview.

call me crazy
I could almost see Nick Frost working better as Scotty, if maybe he lost a few pounds.

Little fat man who sold his soul
Little fat man who sold his dream…

The Darlings! The Darlings of New York! Hilarious!!!

So far, a pass from me
I think you overstate the Sonnenfeld cuteness (which might repel a viewer like me) and understate the Lynchian creepiness (which very much attracts a viewer like me). The Dandy Lion modeling sequences bordered on downright disturbing, and when's the last time we've seen something genuinely,

Don't judge the audience
"The movie was released to good if not ecstatic reviews and paltry box-office. I suspect thatâs because the filmâs satire is so specific that its target audience is people whoâve worked in television"

does anyone remember
the Mr. Show sketch where David Cross was James Lipton and at the end of the sketch he shrunk himself and two students to actually go "inside the actor" and it turned into a Land of the Lost parody. Later on Will Ferrell did his own James Lipton imitation on SNL and now he's making this movie.

Once upon a time
I believe Amelie used to read and occasional reply to the comments on The Hater back when the comments sections was recently revamped to be more accessible. It was probably a good idea to stop, since that place gets real ugly real fast.

hey kip
"Evan Almighty made over 100M? Do you mean Bruce Almighty?"

Arnold backstage ball shenanigans
Has anyone else heard this story (possible urban legend)?

If oliver stone is involved
Then I'm guessing this will be more like 2004's duo Alexander the Great biopics. Baz Luhrmann's version starring Leonardo Dicaprio never happened because Stone's was such a massive flop.

Did someone say frisky dingo?
This season took a few episodes to get going, but when it's in top form, it's one of the best show's on television.

The meat machine photo reminded me how that whole story seemed to be stolen directly from the Cornballer on Arrested Development, down to the product being sold on infomercials in third world countries. I think 30 Rock is almost always hilarious, but throughout season 1, it only occasional grew beyond the heavy

Not the place for it but

Why aren't you people writing about Cane?!?!

I'm shocked
SHOCKED! that you didn't once mention Rusty Cundieff's 1995 feature "Tales from the Hood" as an obvious antecedent to this flick.

I completely forgot this was on last night, and when I realized I missed it, I really didn't care. After the cop-out season 1 finale, the preemptively draggy premier (you need to wait until 3 or 4 episodes in before you start padding storylines), and the promise of bringing back one of the least threatening

Everybody Hurts came on the radio the other day and it got me thinking about how disgustingly overplayed that song was for a couple years, but also what a great album it's from. Even up against Murmur, Reckoning and Document, Automatic for the People just might be their masterpiece.

this review = dead on
As far as sitcoms making fun of middle-American rubes, My Name is Earl is the definition of obvious and condescending. This was the exact opposite of that. There were some clunky moments, the soundtrack was great but often awkward and incongruous, and they're going to have to work to keep the

Best use of Young folks ever
from way back in February: