Lazlo Hollyfeld

Does he play the token nerdy guy who loses his shit when the serious combat starts thereby putting the rest of the team in grave danger and/or getting himself killed?

I hate Kevin Smith…
but I love Ray Wise. I was planning on checking this out just to see him play the devil. The positive Buffy comparison clinches it.

name switch
Were Dylan McDermott and Dermot Mulroney ever in a movie together?

Craig j. clark
"Twelves Monkeys. I'm shocked no one's brought it up."

already done
"They're trying to get her to come out of the CLOSET. Because she's GAY. And she's hiding in a CLOSET. But she needs to come OUT."

terrible but
I can't remember another movie in this decade that made me laugh more. Tears were streaming down my face I was laughing so hard and I wasn't even on drugs.

so nice
I said it twice.

playing adam
"Dr. Dre looks surprisingly convincing in an inflatable muscle t-shirt."

playing adam?
"Dr. Dre looks surprisingly convincing in an inflatable muscle t-shirt."

there was no one left after
the Robot Holocaust!

When Conan makes the switch to the Tonight Show, they should seriously look into bringing Andy Richter back to the show. I really can't imagine he has anything better to do these days.

relevent information
These guys already co-starred in the movie Big Nothing a couple years ago. Somebody on the AV Club wrote about it not too long ago in an article about straight to DVD movies. They were none too fond of it, either.

spoiler alert
from Roger Ebert's 3 1/2 star review:
"The plot (two words that should be followed by a hollow laugh) involves Mr. Hertz being hired by Senator Rutledge (Daniel Pilon), political party unspecified, who is running for president but learns he is dying and can only be saved by the bone marrow of infants."

"2) I don't care how much of a flaming pile of horse-shit it is, I will still watch anything with Fairuza Balk. Even that horrible Return to Oz film she did in 1984."

Besides the Kids In the Hall/Arrested Development connection, one of the stars is Jerry Minor, of Mr. Show and Lucky Louis fame. He's hee-lare-ee-us.

I'm not gay
I was afraid I was about to become a statistic.

Craig J. Clark- Full Frontal
I really like this movie, too. I think it was really misunderstood because of the big name cast and bizarre marketing (ie-telling people it was a sequel to Sex Lies and Videotape). It's really a companion piece to hugely overlooked Schizopolis. Both films have their followings, with

They're all fired
"and you're fired too."

Anna Manesia
A sitcom about a woman with amnesia? Sounds like another show ripping off Acceptable.TV:

I haven't made it past the 1st page yet
but already I'm mildly shocked Hugh Jackman has made the jump to televsion. I thought that took a few years of consistent box office flops. He's still a big movie star, isn't he? Also, apparently he's playing a role David Tennant originated.