Hose A

Every single one of the movies mentioned in this article sounds like a porn.  Except for maybe Ghostbusters.

Good TV finales:

SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMS! nailed the whole review.  There are bits of the finale which are good but most of the episode feels like a different show.

I watched the video of the performance and in it Tupac says "What's up Coachella".  Coachella wasn't a thing until 1999.  Can someone explain this to me?

I've never really listened to him outside of the Knocked Up Soundtrack but Grey in LA and Daughters are both really good songs.

Those boots work for me.

Don't forget about Schlomo.  He owns a truck!

Some great stuff in these episodes.

Houdini is #1. McCarthy is #3 and Van Susteren is #4.

Willem Dafoe is the second most famous person from my hometown of Appleton, WI. 

FMK the stars of this movie. There is no other acceptable answer than:

I hope Dan Hyman is a real nerdy looking dude because it makes the visual of this interview way funnier.  He should have asked about Gucci Mane - that would have made the interview interesting.

This Sims guy is a downer, aina?

I pretty much missed the second half of the episode since I immediately went online to find a gif or video of Alison Brie in a Santa costume to masturbate to.


Kornheiser is still as great as ever but Wilbon has changed over the run of the show.  The show was appealing at the beginning because these guys kind of seemed like outsiders, they didn't care who they offended and spoke their mind.  But now that Wilbon is a celebrity (his frequent comment about "I know so and so a

The discount pharmacy?

You're like the Statue of Liberty of pussy.

Bill Carter's book "Deperate Networks" does a good job expanding on that article and telling the story of TV from 2000-2005.

You forgot the worst part of that story: they decapitated the woman and cut her body up in an effort to make in unidentifiable.
I was never able to get completely worked up on that one since it included a reenactment the man in drag which was the least convinving thing ever.