Hose A


This is how I feel as well. Colour and The Shape is probably better but There is Nothing Left to Lose is my favorite Foo album.

Up to this point my favorite kill was using the fire escape axe to the chest in the stairwell. I think margot out the window may top it.

One of the best hours in 24 history. Just fantastic from start to finish.

'Cracked Rear View' by Hootie

The only reason I saw this movie was because of the AV Club review. An A if I remember correctly.
The Esquire Channel has been showing Drive a lot. I kinda like it with most of the ridiculous violence removed.

I saw this last night and while I initially didn't like the reveal of the hijackers, I can't think of a reveal that really would've satisfied me. Maybe if it would've been Julianne Moore.

B is too low. Outside of Timberlake this is as good as SNL is going to get. Not having characters to rely on will lead to better episodes.

Someone really hates Towelie!

I thought this was the worst episode of South Park I have ever seen.

Sad News!

I don't know what Pimp C says but Bun B is pretty clear:

How much does a Coke cost at the Caddyshack Snack Bar?

How do I reach theese keeds?

I realize this isn't really the type of movie where acting is scrutinized, but I thought Ruffalo was terrible.  I've never really liked him in anything I've seen him in.  He took me right out of the movie.  He just seems to be trying so hard to act.

Do you guys play fast tempos with odd time signatures?

Let's just say the commercial moved him…to a bigger house!

The whole concept of white critic vs. black critic is stupid.  Do male critics give the the only valid reviews of  action films?  Do female critics carry more weight on romantic comedies?  Do 13 year old boys get their reviews of Adam Sandler movies published?  The only reason this defense comes up is because Tyler

Lindsay needs to be in the discussion of hottest RW cast members.  I probably haven't thought about her since 1997.

I watched it hoping to see a lot of the Middle Eastern girl.  I find her appealing.  She was hardly in the show.