
It's called Definitely, Maybe. Wraps up in under two hours with a good plot and nice pacing.

"TFW we handed Trump another four years."

Oof, the party's in trouble. Hilary Banks is spelled with one "l," and she's fictional.

The story of OJ is that he misses his old golf buddies.

Wasn't that Kramerica Industries?

Sigh. Okay, I'll vote for her.

Oof, just over $650? Let's see, I paid $14 for my ticket…

I hope he got through at least one costume change.

We're going to start living…two minutes after midnight.

Most of the AV Club probably thinks it's Ravenclaw, when really it's Hufflepuff or Slytherin when commenting on certain articles.

Alec Berrrrrg

Marc Maron had problems with TJ Miller.

Totally read that part of the interview in Erlich's voice. But he seemed in a truth telling mood, like when he flatly said he didn't like Alec Berg. And his criticism of the show's structure seems to be a criticism of Berg, Seinfeld, and sitcoms in general.

I knew Marc Maron had problems with him, and I just assumed Marc was in the wrong because it's Marc. But maybe Miller was at fault between them.

Aside from his obvious disdain for Alec Berg, he made some interesting comments about Thomas Middleditch. Richard's been increasingly petty in the show, and I wonder if that's in part because Middleditch wanted to go broader/funnier.

He did once. It was worth it.

Love KG, but he had some anger issues on the court.

I love this. If I had the physical gifts and talent of Lebron, I'd probably do this on some kids at least once a week. Like Barkley in Space Jam, just without any kids calling me a fake after.

Reading Gate of the Sun by Elias Khoury. An epic on Palestine with very lyrical prose.

Punctuated by Scott's increasing disgust with his guest.