
Please, I camembert them.

Let's just say those ATMs don't tell tales out of school.

Get thee to a distillery!


How How I Met Your Mother Entered the Munchiverse

That's part of what's so annoying. Despite how hyped the meeting was after nine seasons, they pretty much stuck the landing. And then…

Did your heart not warm when Barney held the accidental by-product of his anonymous 200th woman (showtime) minutes after divorcing Robin? Are you made of stone?

Death in the Andes and The Feast of the Goat are both viscerally charged historical novels. The former's about an investigation into the influence of the Shining Path in a remote mountain village, and the latter is about the assassination of the Dominican dictator, Rafael Trujillo. I also found them totally

He's so going to Periscope himself getting tossed out like he's a modern day Nelson Mandela.

They're cooler with bots than Mos Eisley


First movie to star Wonder Woman, the most iconic female super hero, nearly 20 years into the modern super hero movie craze, and maybe it's a cool thing to share with women only for one night?

It's probably the first movie I saw as a kid that foregrounded the immigrant experience, while still being fun, so I'll always respect it. Plus I was attracted to all three leads.

As his strength post-Bush was media criticism, he could maybe have helped shame CNN's irresponsible coverage of the campaign enough to make them change. But I also remember him salivating over the prospect of candidate Trump in 2012, so who knows if he wouldn't have been swept up in the ridiculous horror show.

I think those are mudslides.

No I don't know how I'm going to die.

Yes! "Super Stupid" has a great solo too.

Definitely insufficient.

"Emerald" by Thin Lizzy comes to mind. After the guitar gymnastics of the entire rest of Jailbreak, Scott Gorham and Brian Robertson just go at each other to close things out.

I'm not enjoying The Plot Against America's transition into nonfiction. At the very least, it could go all the way and someone gets caught.