
Sudden Death! That's a wonderfully bizarre book, totally hit all my literary sweet spots.

I haven't read that novel by Mario Vargas Llosa, but everything I've read from him has been spectacular!

Hopefully finishing The Mandarins by Simone de Beauvoir this month. It's sucked up most of my reading time this month, but I'm only a few pages from finishing. Might as well get it over with.

Three Kingdoms…the Chinese epic?

But I'd watch the grindhouse film of those two islands meeting!

Tell that to Black Sabbath!

No one has a sense of humor anymore.

I liked Kroll's lampshade about all the straight men he could play off of.

That's why I bunt fly(-outs), cuz you never know when you're gonna go back to AAA.

It's frustrating when you blow a reference like that.

If the Dollop switched entirely to a weird baseball history podcast, I'd be back in a heartbeat. Those are the best ones.

Growing up, I thought everyone was romantically obsessed with Carmen Sandiego… In any case, the Chief is a very relatable new character!


I asked myself if I was overdoing it with the schadenfreude too, but then decided just to do it and be a legend.

"I have opened the floor for-"

In the guardless urinal stall right next to you?


And in Lincoln, his one man show.

Wasn't he EP on Black Frasier?

As a former president, he left a very small window open to criticize Trump in public (which is already an unusual thing for a leaving president to say, but those are the times we're in). If he's going to do that, I'm pretty sure or I would hope it would have much more to do with active treason, human rights