
On the plus side, I'm excited for the bottle episode where Olenna is still slowly dying in her tower.

Fuschia Dunlop's great, and she helped navigate Chinese food for lots of people. She's largely responsible for the Sichuan love affair the US is having now. Having said that, there are lots of Chinese cookbooks by Chinese/Asian authors that I wish would get some love as well. It's strange when she's the only name. Two

Hey, give him a break. He texted congrats.

"Shit, Pilou? Can you step away from the Iron Throne? Euron's not supposed to win the game…eh. You look good there, we'll roll with it."

Is it Brett Ratner?

Could use more Wagner covers.

Some Mussolini fanboy.

I can think of few authors who lived an interesting enough life to merit a memoir. If you didn't crash your plane in a desert or face a mock execution in a Russian prison, I don't care.

So many book reviews read like the reviewer just wants to justify the time they spent reading that book, so they'll give it a softer grade, especially for more renowned authors. When a "Rotten Tomatoes for books" came out, the grade inflation was obvious, and you couldn't tell what a critic actually enjoyed. That's

I'm sick of these leeks to the press.


Rory Scovel came on and their dynamic was good enough for me to check out his special, which I loved. I'm sad to think of the show ending too. When it hits, it really hits.

That felt like a daytime infomercial for CBB with all the testimonials, even if I agree with them. It's interesting though that Scott's having more trouble booking people lately. I noticed it too, when I saw Jon Hamm and Edgar Wright up and thought about how they hadn't had bigger (while still completely game, which

"Boredom is a ladder."-GOT Story Editor

Extra ironic, because when they're in the same room, they feel really awkward doing the show to each other's faces.

I'm more okay with Thomas Middleditch's accents, because the room immediately reacts negatively and he goes to weird places. Ming is…Asian sounding.

My favorite is the mewling, whiny one Paul F. Tompkins and Scott Aukerman do to each other.

He mentioned new music like Pink Floyd and Miles Davis to try to get us off his scent. Bulldog rules!

Speak for yourself playboy! Speak…for yourself…

His daughter was just pranking him after he spent years regaling her with stories of his sexual conquests.