
The thing I don't think Chuck realizes is that, if he's no longer the Intersect, there is no reason for Sarah to stay in California. She could be sent anywhere, and from what we've seen, chances are she'd go.

If the number of spies on this show bothers you, don't ever, ever watch Alias. Your brain would explode and you'd start accusing your bank teller of being a Russian sleeper agent.

I was a little surprised that Barney would mutilate suit pants. Isn't that like his version of clubbing a baby seal?

I was expecting some kind of "news anchors aren't wearing pants at work 30% of the time" joke from Robin, but I guess that chestnut's been pretty well roasted by now.

Guys, I didn't want to say anything, but I think Karen dyes her hair.

Curbstomping is beyond disturbing. But, oddly, it's kind of a funny word. And "Bite the curb, I'll be out in a minute" is a good play on the idea.

They re-aired that one on Lifetime the other day. So he/she is a troll who watches Lifetime.

Oh, and what made NPH falling out of the booth for me was that his one foot stayed up. I don't know why, but that one foot still in frame was much funnier than just seeing him fall.

That's awesome. He gave good eye roll.

Pop Culture Synergy - Don't badmouth it
So, I haven't seen The Karate Kid in, probably 15 years, and have no memory of any leg sweeping, or anything else, really, except the wax on-wax off thing. But last week HIMYM did a little episode called The Stinsons, which led Alan Sepinwall to link to a weird music video

Oh Boy! Grade-A Bakula crush here. Very excited to hear that. (I even sort of like Lord of Illusions.)

I love Marshall's shrug. Sort of an "ain't I a stinker" kind of thing.

Oh, she can't be. How many seasons do we have left? Anyway, he's already met her. And, she's awful (hilariously awful. "Before you say anything, I think you should read Baudelaire's Le Fleur du Mal").

I want to meet someone who's a giant douche
Just so I can refer to them as "the heir to the Massengill fortune."

I like that too. Sister/brother-in-law is not a relationship you see explored much, unless they despise each other and/or are sleeping together.

One of the other blogs I read posted an interview with Cranston and Gilligan last night. It reminded me of something I'd forgotten, which is that Cranston guested on X-Files (that's how Vince Gilligan knew of him, as a dramatic actor). He's in an episode called Drive - I forget the details but Cranston is a bad guy

Yeah, it's a drug thing, not an ethnic thing. Weeds had that other dealer - the one who hooked the main character (whose name is escaping me), up with the mayor of Tijuana. He wasn't particularly crazy, although he did get mean.

Ok, so if I ever get pregnant, I want to look like Skylar and have Donna's rocking body confidence.

It's funny that you point out how ragged Skylar looks, Donna, because I was thinking the opposite. I'm 10 years younger than her and not pregnant, and I'd kill for her legs and skin.

Well, they could get out, I think, they just couldn't do it without setting off the alarm. That's why Sierra-Taffy tried to talk Echo through drilling through the door without breaking the glass. Once they were out, it was just a matter of eluding the guards, which I guess the smoke bomb and the other dude's