
If I didn't love Paul Rudd already, the entire scene in Las Vegas with the chairs would have done me in.

I think Marshall's relationship with his father has been pretty well established. When you tell your kids the incredibly long story of the entire decade before they were born, do you focus a lot on how often your best friend talked to his dad on the phone?

No, I'm kidding, and reading things backwards. And bashing my own head into a table. Move along.

I don't know, they're fighting.

Not funny
There is absolutely nothing funny about smashing a bear-suited woman's head into a table in order to make her fall asleep so she won't die. What are you thinking, man!

These are not announcements
Yes, they are, you just don't care about the content.

Well, Annie was dating some guy, and I don't think they ever said that was over. And, you know, they wouldn't want to ruin their friendship. Or something.

Was that stewardess holding a hypodermic needle? That was weird.

Hey - sometimes the famous guest star is the victim. Tracy Pollan did two episodes of SVU early in their run - she was the victim in the first one, and the killer in the second (spoiler!) If she comes back as a distraught parent she will have pulled off the L&O trifecta.

I haven't been able to fathom the point of Twitter, myself, but I have a few friends who've tried to convert me. I came to Facebook really late, after a less than satisfying MySpace experience a few years ago, and I don't see why I'd need a Twitter and a Facebook. Well, it's been pointed out to me that the beauty of

But…Wilson is Jewish. So, if he can play raquetball, why couldn't Taub? Did the writers forget?

With australians, it's always the word "anything" that gives them away. I don't know if Yvonne does it, her accent is pretty awesome. But listen to Rachel Griffiths sometime. "ennything".

I think Ted sounded more like Leprechaun mob than Jersey mob.

Do the kids nominate anyone they want, or do they pick from network-approved lists?

She may or may not be someone I'd want my kids to look up to (if I had kids). But equating her with her abuser is bizarre and wrong-headed, if that is what that statement is saying (I actually thought they were referring to Chris Brown and Kid Rock - Amelie, get out of my head!)

Chris Brown is clearly a useless piece of human waste, but am I the only one who knows who he is only because of the Doublemint song and beating up Rihanna? Is he actually famous outside of those two acts?

We have, and we've heard about her dirty diapers as well. This guy, whoever he is, is a nut.

How did I black out a Saracen-in-the-sh0wer moment? Clearly I need to watch every episode over again to make sure I didn't miss any other scenes of Matt in various stages of undress.

Everything D98 says it's true. But just so it doesn't all sound so serious, there are also a lot of really attractive people and exciting sporting events (and I don't even like football, normally).

I would love to see more FNL, but I'm torn. I don't want to spoil the ending for anyone who hasn't seen it, but at least some of these kids are college-bound. How much of the cast will remain in any satisfying fashion?