
There's potential for tension, as well, between who they used to be, and who they will appear to become as they continue their tenure at Dollhouse. For instance, Caroline appears to have been a decent sort who got wrapped up in something she couldn't control that went bad, and despite her good intentions people got

She played annoying Yuki (the Internal Affairs cop) on Dexter. Not sure what else she did.

Assuming Alpha hasn't gotten plastic surgery, which would be cheating, I don't think Ballard or Lasagna Lady can be Alpha. Either of the guys from the heist could be.

One other thing in defense of Dushku: SMG isn't exactly brimming over with range. She's fine, for the most part, but she's hardly an actor who exceeds her material. But when that material was good (I'm thinking of quite a bit of season 2 of Buffy) - man, did she shine. There are moments that I can't even think

I think that's a woman on the bench.

He's also been in Burn Notice, Veronica Mars, Middleman, Brisco County Jr…..No Arrested Development, though.

Gonna have to disagree with you, considering the dead bodies in the house where he watched the video yearbook. They might not have been Caroline's parents, but they'd have to go pretty far to tell me that couple were bad guys who just happened to keep video and photos of our girl around the house.

"Whose face are we rubbing this in?"

Well, Taffy is orders of magnitude more self-assured and professional than Faith. She actually makes decisions based on thought, not pure instinct. I could see Faith turning into someone like her if she didn't go crazy and didn't go straight.

Wasn't there a scene in the DirecTV airing where Riggins bemoans the fact that Gypsy is a musical, and not a three-hour long strip show? Did I imagine that?

The idea that the client's scenario is only known to him has got to be malarkey, though. They all seemed pretty clear on what it was after it started to go bad tonight. Obviously the handlers know what is happening and where. Topher must have a pretty good idea, since he claims to hand-create the personalities. At

There's a Hole in My Bucket
I chose to take that as a shout-out to another lovely Friday night show, Friday Night Lights. Now, if Anders sings the girl part, we'll have something.

I like Dushku too. She's never going to be mistaken for our generation's Meryl Streep or Katherine Hepburn, but she's engaging and she has fun with what she's given. Her Echo voice reminds me of CaveBuffy, though, minus the growl.

So, was the photo on Oliva's desk of Ballard, Victor, or someone else presumed to be Alpha? I couldn't tell. I'm assuming Alpha's physical appearance will be a secret, so they can keep us questioning. I wondered tonight if "tech guy" was Alpha - the way he connected with wiped-Echo, and his discussion of

No one one TV can just take painkillers at the recommended dosage for the recommended time period in order to combat legitimate pain. If you see them pop a pill, you can basically assume their downward spiral is scheduled for next Tuesday.

I Go To Sleep
I think that was original to The Kinks, not the Pretenders, although both versions are preferable to Sia's "I took a handful of valium and am now gargling" approach.

Yowza. I thought she was singing "Cobwebs of Rambos".

Also never heard of Ne-Yo. And, until all the recent drama, I'd never heard of Chris Brown. Suck on that.

Oh, I forgot all about that. Thank god for you guys. Maybe the cabin was a hideaway from the Hostiles, and his kid survived….

I don't see what difference it would make. Everyone dies eventually. (…Or do they…)