
We did see Sarah's new man, and he wasn't anyone we know. Not that he couldn't be significant, but I doubt it, as the actress is going to be in the "V" remake they're doing.

I think you're holding on to tightly to the "Three Years" thing. There is no correlation between on-island time and off-island time in the way you're thinking there is. The off-islanders were simply dropped into 1977. They could have been dropped into 800, or 2036. They were time-traveling to the point in the

The Others (and, by extension, I think, the Hostiles), have always had a bizarre view of their own violence. They kidnap and brutalize, and then act utterly shocked when there are repercussions. I always thought it was just annoying characterization, but maybe there is more to it. Tonight, for example, seemed to

We definitely need more Miles, ASAP. I want Miles the Dharma employee flashing back to Miles the Dharma baby. Lately he's been resigned to mostly filler lines, and we all know he deserves better. He makes the most of the moments he gets, but there aren't enough of them.

I get home from class around 9:30, and purposely watch Life or Criminal Minds before Lost, for two reasons: 1) The sweet, sweet anticipation of one of the most consistently pleasurable hours of television around; and 2) Less of a wait between watching the episode and reading the recap and comments, and posting my own.

I love that dude that you're calling the Angry Comedian. I haven't seen Mad Men, but it is his mission in life to be in everything cool. He's in Mulholland Drive, and one of the best episodes of Angel ever (The Magic Bullet), and now Lost. Marry me, Weird-Eyebrowed-Geeky-Character-Actor-Guy.

Ben's list was about manipulating Jack into doing surgery. Jacob's list is the one that needs thinking about, and as I posted a few weeks ago, I definitely think it has to do with who left and who stayed. We don't know who's on Jacob's list, but we do know who's not - Jack, Kate, Sayid and Locke. I don't think it's

Reading those lines, I hear them in Sawyer's voice without even trying. That's some good characterization.

I think the creators wanted to do away with the theory that all of the castaways had died in the crash, and that the island is, literally, purgatory. Which I think has been pretty thoroughly disproven by them going back to the real world and interacting with the living. Doesn't mean the island can't have a

I actually dig the theory that Rose and Bernard joined the Hostiles, because it gives us a way into their history, via Rose/Bernard flashback. An alternate view of the intervening three years.

I thought that was funny, that their badass sonic fence could be stymied by ear plugs. But you're probably right. It was on "very-not-lethal".

I love that Hayley's grandmother watches this show. My grandmother always worries that Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn might not end up together at the end of Overboard, so I don't see her warming up to a show like this any time soon.

I thought they were playing with our expectations throughout the episode, in particular regarding Juliet and Sawyer. There were a lot of shots where it looked like there were going to kiss, or otherwise show overt affection, but then the scene would move on. And when they finally did, it was a sweet, end-of-the-day

Why would Horace be building some crappy cabin, when Dharma have those nice houses, I wonder? Could he have survived the purge?

Kate did kiss Jack, but she was crazy and seeing phantom horses at the time.

I think We want this film is on the money. Anubis carries an ankh in one hand. However, he also carries a tall staff in the other, and this figure has something in his other hand, but not a tall staff. I'm thinking Egyptian breakaway cult.

Well, when Richard ran into Ben, Ben was out in the jungle. In this episode, Alpert came into Dharma, guns ablazing (I have an Alpert-crush now, if I didn't before). So perhaps, shaggy was the Other style at that point, and clean-cut is how they chose to appear to Dharma (maybe just as a mind-fuck). When Ben took

I think the goofiness of that statue having the face of a cast member would be too much for me. It looked very Egyptian, although I don't remember if it was holding any implements. I don't miss Charlotte, generally, but I missed her in that moment. She would have wanted to know more. Anthropologists unite!

It sounds awesome because it was freaking AWESOME.

Ben claimed to have been born on the island, although that might have only been to Jack. I imagine if there was a little squirrely kid with glasses running around Sawyer would have him in permanent detention by now, possibly hanging by his toenails somewhere. I think Ben needs to arrive later.