
We want our film, I was thinking the same thing, somewhere in here (where do the posts go? Is it the same place socks go when they don't come out of the dryer?) Alpert has eternal life, because he's eternally dead.

That man's name is John Locke, and I'm waiting for him to come back.
I love that, in that moment, Sawyer was perpetuating the legend of John Locke. I'm wondering more and more if he's really as important as he'd like to believe.

And not remotely shaggy. There must be a J. Crew and a MAC counter on the other side of the sonic fence.

I wonder how long they've been a couple - that "I love you" sounded like the first time.

Give me two weeks.
Two things are rattling around in my head - what happens in two weeks to get them all to stay (particularly Juliet and Miles)?

Will there be recaps in tv club? (Pleasepleaseplease)

I found the Ray plot kind of confusing. The first time I watched the series, I thought they were saying that, inside, he wasn't a person, but a gremlin death-bringer thing (I cannot remember what they were called, and I'm trying). But on a second viewing, it seemed like the manner of his death spawned one of those?

*cough* Pushing Daisies *cough*

Reaper Reaped
How sad - my CW affiliate apparently is not airing this. At least, if it is, my TIVO isn't acknowledging it. Any Philly Reaper fans know if this is going to be a regular thing, or if this week is just a fluke?

While I find this show sort of enjoyable, I'm relieved. I was going to cut at least two shows from my TIVO season pass after the end of the season, and this was on the short list. Decision, you are now simpler.

Not bad, but:

I think Ted is consistently funny - honestly, I think Alyson is the weak link (to the degree that such a thing exists on this show). She's given the weakest material and strains the most with it.

I didn't fully get that whole thread - he's not really dating Sarah, so how can he break up with her? It seems more likely that he would get a Dear John letter signed by the Deputy Director of the CIA.

It pretty much always makes me laugh when Ted tries out some pretentious accent.

Yeah, and I bet he wanted Meg Ryan to get together with Bill Pullman at the end of Sleepless and Seattle! Am I right?

They dropped Gilbert? That's a bummer; she's consistently good.

Well, she's like 15, so maybe she hasn't worked out all of the nuances of how to break it to a dude who's into you that you like girls. I don't really think she came on to him at all; she was trying to be his friend and he jumped to relationship because he wanted a quick and easy way to move on from Tyra.

Well, I think what Foxtrot means is that you could have your own personality mapped, then combined with the useful portions of some other personality. You'd then be wiped, then have your *own* personality (with fancy add-ons), "reinstalled". Which, yeah, seems plausible. I imagine there's some faux-sciency reason

Really? I'm curious about this. I find Mates of State annoying to the point where, if they were musical geniuses, I'd never know, because I've already turned them off. Those shrieking voices…I need an Excedrin just thinking about it. Is it the music, or the lyrics? What about them makes them a band that people

It led me to wonder if they retain memories of their mind-wiped state. Would Echo recognize Sierra from a few days before? Or is everything brand new, every time?