My favorite - the pregnancy test Sun gets (ostensibly off the plane) is made by Widmore Labs.
My favorite - the pregnancy test Sun gets (ostensibly off the plane) is made by Widmore Labs.
Definitely the worst of the season, but still perfectly pleasant. Saracen is always missed, but focusing on Jason never hurts, and it's nice to see that Billy really wants to help his brother.
I was pleased by the Victor reveal, because I've enjoyed his small part in each episode (all three of them). His delivery of the line about "Dollhouse, Dollhouse, it's fun to say" had me giggling, and I think he's made a very cliche character more fun to watch than he really has any right to be. I hope this means he…
She's the Top Hat.
I still can't except the genetic impossibility that would be necessary for Charles to be his own grandfather. My belief snaps like an overworked rubber band at that point.
Bad Mood, you just put me in a very good mood. Ah, the Hot Sundaes.
I just finished the first three seasons too (well, I have the last half of the finale to go). It's amazing how many little moments take on a greater resonance. A lot of Walt's dialogue, in particular. I wish I'd taken notes, or something, but I guess that's on the other side of my geek threshold.
Well, Kate did something kind of unthinkable (cold-blooded murder), under the assumption that she would be considered a hero by the person she loved most, her mom, thereby justifying her action. Her mom rejected her, was horrified by her, so it seems to me that the only way she could go on would be by centering her…
They've also said she looks like Sarah, who she looks not at all like. I think Juliet is a shape-shifter.
This is weak, and I don't know where I'm going with it, but I've always thought it was odd that there are *so many* "special" characters. It's almost like there's one a decade: Widmore (70's), Christian (60's), Locke (50's), Ben (40's), Jack, or maybe Desmond (30's), I'm missing the 20s, Walt (teens), Aaron (baby). …
Just a heads up to anyone who might read this - there is a potentially gigantic (and potentially incredibly false) cast-related bit of spoiler-ness out there on the interwebs. Click with care.
The little island moved - it's not there when the O6 look out of the helicopter.
Ben is certainly not "good" in any traditional sense of the word, but there are wheels within wheels to that guy. Bringing Locke back to the island - making sure that that would happen - that says to me that his killing Locke was not just jealousy. If he really wanted him dead, he would never have mentioned the…
I think the joke was that Liz lost her virginity in the mid-90s. Which would put her in her mid 20s. Which is a totally valid lifestyle choice.
I think the perfect mixture would be slightly more Tracy, slightly less Kenneth, and exactly as much Jenna as we're getting. She's consistently funny, but in a grating way that would not work if, say, she were the main character.
I think that taking the focus on the show and its travails has made the show feel a leeetle aimless. I'm not bothered by it, and think that most episodes this season have been great (Generalissimo, Reunion, and Senor Macho Solo being stand-outs). But I think that might be sort of what people are talking about. It…
Well, if Juliet is in the Dharma past, where we assume Jin and the others are, it might be a character from that past. Charlotte's mom could be a redhead. Faraday's lady friend was a redhead, although that seems convoluted even for this show. Annie had light brown hair, could have reddened, but it wasn't curly.
Actually, I'm kind of intrigued by Zuleikha's character now. For one thing, why would a cop/federal agent/marshall take a prisoner on an international flight in first class? And then tonight she didn't seem at all perturbed by the fact that her "captive" was missing. Curiouser and curiouser.
Who is it on here who lives next door to Michael Emerson or something? After tonight, I would definitely not steal that guy's cable.
I really wish Locke had known about what Michael did so he could have given Walt the news that his dad was kind of a hero. I guess there wasn't a lot of time for Jin to pass on that irrelevant information via Ol' Nose-Bleed, but it would have been nice to know he wasn't abandoned completely in vain.