
I do remember them saying some throw-away line about Odin using his powers to open a gate for Thor. And as for Loki, he has all sorts of tricky ways to get around.

He used his powers to bust through into Marvel's 616 universe, where the moon has a large "blue" area in which you can breath normally.

I watched it on TV as a kid. Ran out of the room during that part and haven't really ever returned to the movie.

I liked it pretty good. We got to see David Cross's Thing.

Shit My Can Of Peas Says

♪ Miles and Peter in the moooor-ning! ♪

I read the first TPB of Loki and really like it. I'm a little confused by the Good Loki/King Loki thing - where they both come from and what their actual plans are - but I think that's just part of the intrigue with a comic like this. Probably could use a re-read.

"We'll always have Paris."
::nod. noncommittal smile:: "Oh… yeah."

I totally support ladies in movies, despite being not entirely optimistic about a Ghostbusters reboot. I am totally on board with how they cast Rachel Maddow as the new Reed Richards in Fantastic 4.

Troughton. The BBC wiped it though.

There's a Thor/Iron Man fight early on in Stracynski's Thor that is very cathartic if you hated Civil War. It's basically Thor easily beating Iron Man into submission while shouting, "I really hated Civil War!"

I've started reading his FF run, and yes I was confused by Ben being human and Sherry being The Thing. With superhero comics, you just gotta shrug at stuff like that and say, "Here we go again!"

I LOVE mewmew.

My son believes they'll eventually just give her her own hammer, like Beta Ray Bill.

"Things do not fare well. The frost giants are on the attack once again, and also the kingdom's entire supply of hummus has disappeared." "Yes, well, I might know something about that second thing. ::urp::"

Yeah, I imagine if you just want to continue following one or two favorite Marvel books, you'll get the gist of the outcomes of this even in a recap page that says "As a result of Secret Wars, Thor now wears a gold helmet, whereas Volstagg wears a silver one."

They found out that kids liked things that had "World" and "War" in the title.

I started getting into Marvel Comics a bit after seeing the movies, and I think the best way is to get people to recommend you specific runs on specific titles that don't really rely on a lot of past continuity. For me, some of those runs would be:

Battleworld A&M fans are so obnoxious, I couldn't imagine going to school there. Then again, in general Battle Football has kind of taken over Battle College in a way that has overall hurt Battle Academics.

"Let's get nuts."