
Don't know if it's a coincidence, but Anna Torv has been talking in a Leonard Nimoy voice all day.

It's a dad joke. It's a dick joke. It's a dad dick joke!

I hope he warmly shook Obama's hand and said, "Actually, you can just call me Ambassador now."

Sorry to hear of the things you saw in those comments. Some people really love to wag their fingers at others on the internet. It's like the opportunity to communicate on a world-wide forum suddenly unleashes all their own feelings of powerlessness and inferiority. I guess pausing to put things into perspective isn't

I liked to imagine he worked in an office with a sign hanging in the front window that he could flip back and forth between "Come in, I'm SPOCK" and "Sorry, I'm NOT SPOCK."

So say we all.

"Okay, Steve: Next I'll need you to stand there on your mark and hold the baby at arms length. Yes, look at it like, 'Oh my God a baby! What am I going to do with a baby?' Yes, you've nailed it Steve. That was perfect."

I just watched Wrath of Khan this morning before I even knew the news. That made it extra surreal.

"Oh, yoo yoo!" (Male character turns to see MacGirlver in her underpants.) "I used all my clothes to make this parachute."

Ah, like Angels' Revenge.

Maybe have the original MacGyver turned into a 20-something woman by MacGyvmite: a mischevious, other-dimensional sprite who's MacGyver's biggest fan.

Whenever I hear Chuck Loore's name, I first picture the guy from Gong Show. I'm sure the guy from Gong Show doesn't appreciate the association.

I'm glad that I only know Kat Dennings as Darcy from Thor. That Darcy is a treasure.

Cut to Palpatine in his parked car, screaming and beating on the steering wheel.

Midi-chlorians is the moment when it seems like maybe they just looked up "George Lucas" in the phone book and called the first person, asking him to write the prequels. It's like that Portlandia sketch about Battlestar.

We all hate having to start a project over from square one.

I'm beginning to think Star Trek can cure a rainy day!

I don't like Sith. It's grim and it's stupid and it gets everywhere.

Hey, humans aren't the majority species of the Star Wars galaxy, they're just all the important characters.

Heart going crazy, oxygen levels in blood dangerously low… I can find nothing medically wrong with this patient.