
The prequels were just a dream that an old Jedi who looks like Bob Newhart was having.


"Sounds like someone has a case of the s'pose-tas."

I guess you could have bystanders, newspaper people, cops etc. refer to her as She-Hulk, while among friends everyone calls her Jennifer.

Then just green-screen and forced-perspective your way to a lady standing head-and-shoulders above Steve Rogers. Magic!

That's weird, because I remember hearing something about how he's kind of unofficially Jewish in the comic books. It might be a thing where some writers have a headcanon that he's Jewish, others don't, and Marvel has no official document that says "Spider-man is Jewish" so there's no consistency.

Spider-man Origins: Spider-man

But if they do, I imagine they'll be smart enough to skip the damn origin. I'd say start the movie with a supervillain tearing up the town, shouting, "Where it Spider-man? Bring me Spider-man!" Someone replies, "Whah? Who?" and the villain replies, "Spider-man! Everyone knows who Spider-man is!"

Do you like my grand, quirky spider-hat? (The top of the hat opens and a mechanical spider pops out)

I read the entire 1970s run of Marvel Godzilla comics, and at the very end after the story wraps up, Spider-man comes swinging in like, "Oh wow. What happened here? I guess I missed it."

Ahem, Hogun the Grim.

Yes. It's not like they re-origined the Hulk when they made The Incredible Hulk. They just did a little credits sequence that quickly gives you an idea of what the Hulk's deal is.

Patrick Swayze, speaking through Whoopi Goldberg, confirms he will be in the next X-Men film.

That's disappointing to hear. I invited a couple of *friends* over to watch it with me. Oh, here they come now!

I was more junior high/high school age when that came out, but I still remember it as a powerful lesson in just HOW disappointing a movie could be. At least by the time I saw Batman and Robin I was prepared for crap and just going to enjoy the spectacle of a cinematic pile of crap.

Living with a roommate at 37 sounds like the definition of hell.

So it's a bit of a misnomer, then?

Upvoted for username/avatar. Now I need to get me my Pod People fix.

That's why you don't buy a boat. It just leads to a bunch of guest appearances and cameos for years to come.

I'm sad now.