
The World Book volumes we had each had a page at the beginning on the origin of the letters, including the old Phoenician (or whatever) symbols they came from. At one point, I had a whole alphabet of those symbols memorized and would write messages in them.

My report on "space" earned high marks.

She sneaks into her grown son's house to hold him in his sleep. That book, right? ::shudder::

Are they the Dennis the Menace/Inspector Gadget people?

"But she grew up tall and she grew up right with them Indiana boys on them Indiana nights."

The settlement includes a requirement that Smith not come around here no more.

"This thucks. Huh huh."

::heavy sarcasm mode:: Oh great. The video has one of those long intros that makes you wait for the music to kick in. Oh yeah. Give me more of that, please.

I hope they fast-forward through the origin story, so we don't get another "he's the best at what he does but is terribly arrogant" character for TV/movies. My understanding of Strange is that post-accident he remains pretty sure of himself, but is far less arrogant.

Captain Britain: I'm glad to provide some help to you Avengers. I have great powers, bestowed on me by Merlin the Wizard in order to protect the British Isles.
Thor: I know that dude!

"Lift's closed. The hedgehog out front should've told you."

I'm wondering if he'll have a full-on, really American sounding accent, or if they'll do a "I sound kinda British because of how classy I am" American accent, Vincent Price-style. Though I suppose to viewers that might just sound like a "this British guy isn't trying very hard, is he?" accent.

Yeah, that was mainly written by Michael Ian Black, wasn't it?

I have a Batman comic right here that I bought as a child from the general store and it cost 75 pennies.

I've already seen his draft script. It's too late. I've seen everything.

Said in the voice of Patrick Stewart, for some reason.

Well, superheroes have very few natural predators.

I think Squirrel Girl is gonna make it through this unscathed.

I'd love Pope Francis to announce a Catholicism reboot. "There's no original sin anymore. There is only Battleworld."

Independent George was the strongest title of the Independent Universe.