
"You can find out what they're talking about by picking up SW #5, but you'll only be disappointed." - Straight-talkin' Stan

Make mine Marvel!

I dunno I think I'd be okay with that.

Paul Cornell, who has written for both Marvel and Doctor Who, had a great blog post years ago about canon. In summary, it's about how writers just need to acknowledge the history that is pertinent to the particular story they're telling and not get hung up on everything "fitting together" with a decades long narrative

I'm holding out hope that the consequences for individual Marvel titles won't actually be that significant.

"Let's get nuts!"

I wish. When I come across those in back-issues, I get a craving for that tender, flaky crust; that real fruit filling!

I don't like how mutants in the Marvel universe inevitably get captured and tortured by someone. Lay off the torture, X-writers. That's why my current favorite mutant is Squirrel Girl.

Hickman writes some very enjoyable stuff, but can't help himself from writing his stories from an "unstuck in time" perspective.

This was just about what I was gonna say. Not all series are a convoluted mess of crossovers, but as a novice it's hard to know what you're getting into. I've managed to find and enjoy some really good - and mostly self-contained - Marvel titles through my public library. Matt Fractions's run on Invincible Iron Man

"He's also sent along this photo of a grumpy cat who doesn't like Mondays. Well, that's nothing new. This newspaper from last week has an engraving of a similarly grumpy cat with an equally bad attitude about Mondays."

I've sent a courier on horseback with news of this to my brother who lives off-grid.

Has someone photoshopped "Benghazi!" onto a "Bazinga!" t-shirt yet? I don't want an actual shirt like that, I just want to see a picture and laugh a little.

It makes sense, though. I'm sure he's heard enough from people being blown away by the first Star Wars movie and immersed in the story, whereas as the filmmaker it'd be difficult for him NOT to see it as a bunch of models and optical printing effects.

"Take off, you knob, eh?"

"I'm Bart Simpson, who the hell are you?"

Ha ha! I hope they made the dance undanceable on purpose. It's quite possible, I guess, since it seems everyone resented having to do the video.

He might have just identified strongly with Bart, who was a cool kid who could dance and got beaten by his dad.

Ireland is my favorite place in Great Britain, second only to wonderful Norway.

England was the scientist, not the monster.