
When you put on your headphones and close your eyes, it feels like you're listening to Garfield At Large again for the first time.

Why yes there will, in fact, be a green-haired Playboy model in that second seat.

::turns to face you, a rose-tinted monocle in a brass frame swinging into position over his eye, via mechanical aperture attached to his top hat::

… But they once again tickled your curiosity with talk of flamethrowers.

Did he make you guys sing the theme song in Japanese?

That's racist against pregnants.

No. Right. Yes. It's like America today, there's changes. Ten years ago, we wouldn't maybe be talking about the gays, and now. You are living in Chicago now?

He is no one. He is … Darkman.

I wanna see Spider-man show up in Avengers movies, never removing his mask (except when he lifts up the bottom part a bit so he can eat a sandwich).

"And they ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles and they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn't go - TUSK!"

Also, SNL runs live performances through a special Baddening Filter to make them sound shitty and muffle the vocals.

It'd be interesting to see how a woman handles a "complete drooling idiot main character", which is usually done by men.

Let's get Adam Sandler signed on as an Exec. Producer on Billy Madison (Lady Version). He will also cameo as the penguin.

I gotta Chinese intern down here, but I got him busy re-pinning Marvel Comics fan art on Pinterest. My man Wong doesn't yet know enough English to be editing my comments.

What with the holidays, I really don't have enough staff to edit the joke. I'm leaving this comment here as an official "Joke out of order" sign.

"They moved the headstones, but they didn't move the bodies!"
"I POOPED my uniform!"

It's kind of refreshing how Ghostbusters doesn't make any fat jokes at Stay Puft's expense. It was the '80s, which I remember as comedy open-season on the overweight.

Add some musical numbers and confetti and an all-cgi character with one of them big, old Venom tongues. Just throw some stuff out there and see if it works. Whirling dervishes, maybe?

Never has anything confused me more than a director REALLY WISHING he could make an R-Rated Ghostbusters film.

I'm looking forward to the Walmart $5 bargain big set of "4 Action Movies That Don't Exist!" Featuring Robocop (2014), Total Recall (201?), Highlander 2, and _______.