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Mike McJoelBetter

Ah high school. So very hormonal. So very confused and desperate for a place in the world.

That whole episode is wonderful. I have it recorded on VHS somewhere around hereā€¦

But it really was quite an adorable Chwitmas twee.

Those aren't all written by him? Oh myyyy.

Leave Snuffles, Mr. Biggs, Pinky, Skittles, and Tripod out of this!

Man. Count how many times he used the word "veins." Get a dick thesaurus, Harry!

::Runs back and forth along a graffiti'd wall at double speed::

While watching Gravity, my biggest take-away is that I really hope Red Dwarf does a Gravity episode.

If The Interview had big-butt stop-motion aliens, there'd be no stopping it.

Are Underarmor polos the Adam Sandler of the shirt world?

I think Tiny Toons already did a Star Drek. At least I think it was Tiny Toons. I seem to associate it with Daffy Duck.

Ahem. All starships in the Star Trek universe adhere to the laws of physics *in that universe*. Scotty even explicitly states that he "cannae break the laws of physics." ::finishes hot dog. wipes mustard on shirt::

That's so sad. Not that sanding away the comic bookiness of an idea is entirely wrong, it's just that once you've done that, why still call it Punisher? At that point, wouldn't it just be a more straightforward renegade vigilante on the edge sort of film?

Okay yeah but how many stars from Leonard Maltin though?

You can't see it in this picture, but the character has ornate, robotic, steampunk legs.

What if a guest wandered in there and flicked on the lightswitch? Wouldn't they assume you're planning to kill them?

I don't know much about her, but this review has inspired my to try to make my fortune by pursuing my dream of painting melty-faced clowns.

Yeah, I hate when superhero movies act all squeamish about putting the characters in iconic costumes. Just have your actor put on a damn costume as though it's the most natural thing in the world.