
"I must go to my Mind Salt Lick."

Is this a three ring serkis, or is there but one ring to rule them all?

Actually 5 and 8/12ths of an inch.

"See how the character steeples his fingers right there? I saw an actual Cumberbatch do that on the Serengeti plain during a pensive moment."

Oh, PrivateIronTFU. You were riding so low in your chair I didn't know you were there.

As impractical as buying an advanced, artificially intelligent android programmed to speak a bazillion languages just to stand around talking to your moisture vaporators?

Since a superhero movie was just mentioned, we need to bring in one of those commenters that always mentions how much they don't like superhero films. Anyone wanna take care of that?

Yahoo! is actually your new source for all "Trace Beaulieu as a humorous, talking robot" needs.

"It's these damn goat horns, isn't it?"

Oh man, those rich kids must've gotten their comeuppance at the big end-of-summer games!

The fun and charismatic counselor, Chip Hitler.


I bought this movie from the $5 walmart bin in a box set of "teen comedies." It included Hamlet 2 and a couple of generic sexy school movies.

They could probably get that talking can of vegetables, too. And hopefully David Hyde Pierce.

I hope the hosts have to drink tap water with funny-smelling ice cubes.

Royal Crown Cola, or maybe Doctor Hy-Vee.

Pepsi, like what those old-timers drink in that old commercial and then start partying like young-timers. Meanwhile those Coke-drinking frat boys are quietly playing bingo! I remember this because I'm entering my late 30s.

I love Sylvester McCoy. So disappointing to see that first movie and find him partially obscured by bird shit.

"Jekyl is Hyde! Hyde is Jekyl!" ::barfs, cries in shower::