
I'm assuming just an Earth/Avengers boyfriend and a Marvel Cosmic boyfriend, though it might also be good to have a Spider-boyfriend. I don't who you'd need to go to Fox Marvel movies with, though. Maybe bring your X-boyfriend.

A wizard does not need to summon a bigger fish. There's always a bigger fish.

I'm looking forward to The Tom Bombadil Chapter From Lord Of The Rings: Part I.

It does make me wonder, though, if his magnetic powers are that great, were they really keeping him far ENOUGH away from metal in his Pentagon prison?

I had warm feelings toward the whole of Future Past, though it is true that this warmth was greatly added to by the Quicksilver scene. It probably helps that I so far haven't seen any of the "bad" x-men films.

The way I account for that in my head is that his mutant power causes time for himself and the stuff he's holding to flow differently, so the walkman is always in sync with his personal experience of time. That's just headcannon, though, but it works for me.

He won me over with "you can spin a dreidel with captain kirk and mr. spock."

This came at a time when I was just starting to be allowed to watch SNL and even get some of the jokes, so it's kind of iconic for me. Even though it's all rather tongue-in-cheek and irreverent, I really liked the idea that the mascots of all these holidays could tag-team for each other if something unexpected

There are mutants with some pretty amazing powers that would seem to have the potential to end a conflict before it starts, but there's usually some limitation established that prevents it. Prof. X. is ridiculously powerful, but Magneto has a shielded helmet, so X can't just take out Magneto. I would imagine Magneto


It's gonna be weird seeing a version of Quicksilver in the next Avengers movie. Is this going to be the first time a character from another studio's Marvel franchise is used in a Marvel Cinematic Universe film?

I was willing to accept that the character's powers would have made things a little too easy later on, and so he had to be written out after his big scene. A more in-universe explanation would be that he's young and delinquent and doesn't have very strong ideals either way, so he wouldn't be likely to go all-in with

My junior high class was obsessed with that gag for a short time after the miniseries aired. I speak of the Coach miniseries where a disease kills everyone except Dauber at the beginning.

I used Twitter all the time. I still feel pretty disconnected from society.

Captain Not-Appearing-In-This-Film

"I wanna go ice fishin' with the other idiot coaches, but Christine says there'll be hijinks if I do."

Oh man he'd be a great Clark Kent!

Also, they need to stop recommending stuff to me on which 30 Helens agree.

"Coach is filmed in front of a live studio audience."

I like to re-imagine those Twilight films as a series about divorced parents watching in helpless horror as their daughter ruins her life by becoming sexually obsessed with an emotionally stunted vampire.