
::sets DVR:: Oh this is gonna be off the HOOK! They can't AFFORD to disappoint me twice!

I don't mind so much that he changed his mind, I'd just rather it was because he looked into its little, snake eyes and felt bad about the whole thing.

How much time would it have taken to make a new title graphic which reads, "Not Eaten At All: I'm Sorry."

I'd rather watch that 100 times when watch this Eaten Alive show even once.

Soon, it will just be a network about people talking a lot of big shit about stuff they're going to do when they get around to it, but they ain't never gonna make it happen and we all know it.

This sounds like a Beavis and Butt-head plan the more I think about it.

She is the owner of that there butt. If it were mine, I wouldn't slather it with nearly as much oil, but it's hers and she can do what she wants.

A parallel Earth is attempting to reach through a portal and destroy our Earth, entirely because of this whole Eaten Alive fiasco.

Hey don't make fun of her butt it's the best part.

Now I can't stop picturing Wahlberg as a wee man who is covetous of his pot o' gold. Him and Warwick Davis, all rapping over the credits…

Where can I sign the petition to have Karl Urban play Justice Beaver in the upcoming film?

The movie was going to be called "The Tholian Web Was An Inside Job"

"Audience no like brain. Write 'nother one with less brain. Eat now?"

"God didn't make penguins. Read your bible."

"Hey buddy! Let's party, caveman style awoooo!" "Friend, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I've since become a successful engineer. I have a family and a job and have no time for caveman party dude antics."

I liked it the first time when it was called "Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer."

I never saw the movie, but I heard the We Hate Movies podcast, which I consider good enough to check it off my list.

"Play that funky music, English* boy."

Someone should get fired over this. This guy's investors are gonna get burned.

♫ "How dumb are you, Uncle Dad?" ♪