
Rule one of film school: everything is about phalluses and Marxism. Rule two of film school is you do not talk about film school if you ever want to get a job.

Or they keep the woman, but change the name to Wonder Boy.

"Yeah, and Spore has scabs that never heal!"

Does Deadpool still wear a costume covered in little pouches? It's funny to imagine he shops at the Marvel Universe superhero clearance racks.

That and his Kirk Pheromones.

The great thing about Spawn is he so EDGY. You just look at him and his Venom cloak thing and you say to yourself, "Whoa! That's EXXXTREEM!"

I've read precious little Deadpool. I get a bit of a chuckle when I see him somewhere, or a quick gag posted by someone on Pinterest or something, but yeah I get the impression a little goes a long way. It's best when he's just occasionally showing up in Spider-man or whatever, so everyone can laugh and say, "That's

I think we as a culture need to rethink prison rape jokes. It fits into this ugly, cruel narrative that anyone who breaks a law or does something bad suddenly becomes a non-human who deserves to have ALL the bad things happen to him. It's an understandable emotional response when the crime is particularly bad, but

Is this movie just going to be an adaptation of his one man show: "Robot On The Run"?

That is one of the saddest and most '90s things I've ever heard about.

"I'm different!"

This thing called "the news" has made it a lot harder for audiences to believe that spies are competent, rational people doing things that make any sense.

Yeah, I saw it in the theater (the first one) but there was no one else there and the whole thing had a vibe of being a weird, low-budget, below-the-radar comedy destined for some kind of cult status. Think how much better we'd think of it now if it hadn't had sequels and exploded in popularity.

I had that one. I actually set it as my email reminder. I was in high school, and a weirdo, in my defense.

"BRAAAIINNNSSS!! —- No, I mean HULK SMAAAAASH! —- uh, sorry, I meant NOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Mmm. One of the chocolate/vanilla swirl ones. That would be my ride, in the Star Wars/Pudding Pops universe.

::sigh:: I don't even bother writing comments. ::scoff::

Uncle Owen and Rowsdower on an adventure. Does Disney own Rowsdower yet?

No way! I already love that little guy and want his action figure. (Not even joking)

"America will bow down before the Red Skelton! Hail Skelton, and may God bless!"