
Like "World's Most Lopsided Boobs" on the Discovery Channel. It's like I'm learning WHILE watching TV.

If the real GOP had a logo that looked like an '80s metal album cover, they'd be unstoppable.

Don't be so down on Lasik. It cured my astigmatism.

That's probably a jaeger marketing gimmick anyway. They make a big deal about "100% iron" and then in the fine print, they specify, "pure, unalloyed iron used in the epidermal layer of outer jaeger cladding." More branding than any practical use.

It's hard for me to be objective about Pacific Rim because I really dig kaiju films, and it was so exciting to see an honest-to-goodness new kaiju film in the theater. I was so deliriously happy with little things like how Del Toro wanted to ensure that the monsters were designed such that they proportionately *could*

The movie ends with everyone from the first film looking out over a vast expanse at a mountain in the distance, with "Pacific Rim 3" written on it in huge letters.

Your vague description of your childhood imagination is already way better than what we ended up getting.


I thought J.R.R. was dead, but it turns out he was just in the shower?

That was the moment in the special editions that made me almost want to puke, when Han pulled a Mr. Fantastic to dodge a point-blank blaster bolt.

Then grandma drives up on her Harley. "I'm gonna haul ass to Lollapalooza!"

In the film's defense, most characters seem ready for some FOOTBALL!

The guy who created Buckaroo Banzai seems to only talk about it as though it is a documentary about a real person. I think that movie is really fun, but damn that whole "the Banzai Institute allowed us to use these props for our film" conceit rubs me the wrong way.

Atlas Shrugged 3: I Have Become What I Hate Most Of All.

I'm holding out hope that someone will be able to make a deal allowing Hugh Jackman as Wolverine to cameo in a Marvel Cinematic Universe film. I'm thinking a one-scene, Quicksilver-in-days-of-future-past thing where Cap or someone meets Logan in the Canadian wilderness and enlists his help breaking into a secret base

And sometimes they refer to the dark side as simply the "plain force."

I haven't seen Sidways, so mention of merlot always makes my brain pull up an image of Sybil Sheppard as Martha Stewart freaking out and screaming, "I asked for MERLOT!"

Oh yeah, I remember that quote. (scratches cheek with back of hand): "uhh, I'm-a gonna make him an offer. uhhhhh. I'm a godfather. uhhhh. can't refuse." Classic.

Having kids might have something to do with it. It'll change the way you approach things - not necessarily for the worst, but it'll be different. Since I became a dad, I now see movies and books and TV shows through different eyes. Hard to explain.

With JJ Abrams in charge, it's going to be so darn competent. Maybe it won't be earthshaking, but you're right, it will be perfectly entertaining and he'll know better than to create the kind of bloated mess the prequels were.