
I'm cautiously enthusiastic about the combination of stuff-that-looks-like-the-old-films ("lived-in" futurism, millenium falcon, desert planet) with stuff that we never see in the originals. It's about time we see a stormtrooper without his helmet. Especially since by this time you'd think stormtroopers would no

"Oh drat! Jeeves! This cow creamer issues forth with such unexpected force I always overshoot. Could you get me a napkin and a creamer that executes its duties with a bit less enthusiasm?"

It's true that despite the fact that they're both considered grumpy, there really isn't much to connect them. Also, in order to make a good Grumpy Cat TV special, a writer would have to be creating the character from whole cloth, as the source material is a series of pictures of a cat on the internet - he doesn't

I think our kids need a better understanding of youth in Asia. Maybe someone can recommend a memoir about coming of age in China?

Or all them kids Disney buys from the Kid Shelter to turn into stars on their cable channel. I always hope they at least have big, comfy kennels to sleep in.

Hey, man. Maybe the cat is just thinking about something or tired? Why does he/she have to put on a happy face for people, anyway?

I'd love Danny DeVito in this role.

Maybe some special guests show up, and Grumpy Cat accepts some pets from them, or just ignores them. The guests don't plug anything, because they don't want to offend.

Who would have thought they could have made a Garfield Halloween special with pirate ghosts that people still remember to this day? That Grumpy Cat is pretty darn cute. Then again, "could" doesn't mean it isn't a long shot, which may be what you meant.

Sample question: "did you really go to school with Faruk Alatan?" "No…?"

That makeup job on Christopher Lee. Ugh.

There's a marked difference. The broadcast shows were probably (I'm guessing) recorded/edited on broadcast-quality 3/4" video tape. As long as the equipment used was up-to-par and they were stored under good conditions, the quality can be expected to be noticeably better than something recorded off TV onto

Manos is memorably terrible, but Monster a Go-Go and Castle of Fu Manchu are more drearily boring.

There are some people on ustream running 24/7 mst3k/rifftrax/cinematic titanic. (Shhhhh)

That seems about right. They're roughly equal, unless you love Joel's sleepy space-hippy persona, or are really turned off by it, in which case you then have a favorite. (But that's just, like, my opinion, man.)

Also, remember when we all had those mechanical octopus arms? Who even uses them anymore? We have tablets now.

So the writer is Wattersoning the property? I kind of admire that.

Ha! Our dear Hildi!

Sounds like he's doing Rob Schneider-level stuff now. What's Rob Schneider doing, then?

Does anyone have any suggestions for good, old-fashioned anecdote comedy? It's just hard to imagine anything that can replace his story about staying too lake at the monster show and having to walk home in the dark, petrified.