
I first read this as "now I can't look at a rapist without feeling queasy inside." As though you were saying "hey thanks for RUINING RAPISTS for me, Cosby!"

Oh, the weird social aspects of dorm life. Then again, for how weird college was and how I'm glad to be out, sometimes it's nice to imagine a place where if you leave your door open, people will wander in and ask you how it's going.

(Seinfeld slowly backs away, arms raised) "Good luck with all THAT."

"Now I have to ask: Why didn't you just Joan Rivers his dick?"

Didn't Kurt Vonnegut say something about how it's nearly impossible for someone to learn something that their livelihood depends on NOT knowing?

"Florida man gives two standing ovations to serial rapist, gets underpants snagged on alligator"

From David T in the comments: "hard to believe that 20 years later lohan would actually be the one who has a career thats salvageable."

"Rakish behaviour"

Help! My boss makes me pay off his accusers!

Oh ha ha! Satire! … Wait: how is that satire?

daaaaaaaaaaaaaa Bears!

I thought when "metrosexual" died the death it deserved as a word we might be finished assuming that a man's appearance told you everything you need to know about his sexuality. Then came "lumbersexual." Ugh.

"I have been and always shall be… your father." "DAAAAAAAAAAARTH!"

After having made that comment, I realized this franchise is only two years older than me and I guess I'm still doin' okay.

Now THIS I'm interested in! ::digs through satchel looking for a moleskine to write down the name of this quartet::

"This is pretty awesome, but I heard it's for fags maybe?"

I think the guru is holding back on this one and biding his time, which makes sense considering the track record for people who come out with that sort of comment too soon before some others have had a chance to weigh in.

I had a TA in a film class who said he was once held up at the Canadian border because his trunk had a VHS of an old-time silent short called The Gay Shoe Clerk and they were concerned he might be smuggling gay porn.

I'd like to see that as a short before the feature.

Your friends are still doing barbershop quartet? That's cool, I guess.