
Well, this franchise IS old enough to have prostate trouble.

Someone will.

Carrie Fisher with a lightsaber, galavanting about the galaxy, telling off bad guys and kicking their asses as needed. That's what we want, J.J. Don't rob us.

Then how can you brag about having upgraded to digital before it was cool?

I dunno. I'm in favor of the camera panning around a dramatically lit prop, so close you can't quite tell what it is. After about a minute of this it pulls back far enough for you to tell it's a lightsaber handle. Fade to black, then put the date up there.

It was time she stop leeching off him and stand on her own two feet, anyway.

My interminable purgatory with Kirk Cameron and his meandering monologue about Jesus and America.

Now just calm down, Milksteaks. We're all friends here. The Colonel didn't mean nothin' by it. Look, let me just buy us all another round.

I kinda wanted Gillian Jacobs for Captain Marvel, but Sackhoff can have it if she wants it.

Characters picking up old-time phone handsets. Great job, internet! Take the afternoon off!

Remember that car polish commercial where the guy sets the hood of the car on fire? Whoa! You're going to what? That's crazy!

That thing about the flooring sounds like something Douglas Adams would have noted about a character in a brief aside.

I too loved the low budget on this show. I was especially poor when I watched it, which helps.

Didn't you see the million promos for Wedding Story they aired during Trading Spaces where she was happily prancing about sing-songing, "I'm getting MAR-ried?" She's taken, man. I'm sorry. I'm so… sorry.

No pun will go to waist; coat these comments with mischievous wordplay.

I think you meant to click on that Brothers Karamazov news item that was right above this one. Your maturity level is intimidating the rest of us and we'd like you to leave.

And here I am thinking I'm making a joke. That's pretty awesome!

Is Howard the Duck basically the duck version of the American Splendor guy?

God farts in mysterious ways, is all I can say.

Hey Willie! Ha!