

"Now wait a minute. I have to ask… Hold on… The compulsion to ask is lifting… It's like shackles falling from my limbs… I'm free! I'm free NOT TO ASK!" ::Runs out of the studio::

No mention of Batman: The Brave and the Bold??? I've never seen this show. I just wanted to jump on the bandwagon.

I for one don't revel in this at all. I love his old comedy and these allegations make me sad. I find myself really wishing he could be the guy portrayed in his standup and sitcoms.

Did you see her sing the national anthem? Whoo. What a train wreck.

"Oh man! Ha ha! You found my bodies! Oh crap! Hey, let's sing a song together before I kill you."

That whole business where people say, "Why didn't you fight back?" is such victim-blaming bullshit. Oh, why didn't she attack the person who was stronger than her, had her in a vulnerable position, and had drugged her? Yes, you could imagine that turning out really well for a person.

“Two things I get out of this movie, sheet cake and back fat.”

*All MSTies coast to coast*

I was a bit confused when I first learned about this, too, but I figure people are allowed to have different facets of their personalities. People end up with political beliefs for a number of reasons, and then once they have them they're often just stuck with them, also for a number of reasons.

I'm picturing unemployed Frank in a tank top undershirt interviewing with the SOL crew.

At the end of the KTMA series they also kind of reference their situation, though not cancellation specifically. Joel asks each of the bots what they plan to do while on haitus. I believe Tom Servo planned to fill his dome with cocoa butter and hit the beach.

I guess they might have meant that the network role in the cancellation was un-commented upon. Then again, doesn't Pearl say something similar about the project ending before cutting them loose?

"Despite all my age, I am still making Smashing Pumpkins albums."

Nowadays they can cut the tape and then tape it together in different ways, effectively "editing" the performance.

You did a pretty good job, internet, but have you even started your homework yet?

Holy crap they replaced the Asian guy with another Asian guy? I don't think that's racist, but it is kind of… crass?

"This next song is one of John's. It's called 'Why Isn't Bush Charged With War Crimes?'"

Money speaks in a language they can hear.

That's great, because I tell my kid, "Heeryor lunboks. Hoffa gud tay askool!"