
I remember very little of that movie, except that a horse from earlier in the movie miraculously shows up later in the film to save the day, and it's strangely uplifting for a goofy Mel Brooks film.


I only saw that movie once and I still remember that exchange. It's so brief and so perfect.

Somehow that works, too. I wonder if it's a combination of Downey Jr.'s complete commitment to the character and having a black character in the film to react to it in a "I'm barely putting up with this right now. You need to stop." sort of way.

"It doesn't help that the political powers most interested in exploiting racism are very skilled at camouflaging their intentions."

Or his voice and an animated space alien.

Will it have lots of unnecessary addictive additives, please sir?

"You flip the turtle onto its back." "Why would I do that?" "Do you want to be my friend or not? Just listen!"

Hearing mention of Seal makes me want to hear "Kissed By A Rose" again.

Thanking God is one appropriate response. Also acceptable to God would be to say with terror in your eyes, "It's GOOD that you did that, God. Real good!"

I think that sentimentality is in keeping with the spirit of the classic Who, but they just didn't lay it on as thick back then.

That's what I figured to. He's certainly not the usual hungry, young actor trying to make a name for himself and launch his career. He's established, known, and loves Who to bits.

I try not to be one for gossip, but the little nuggets that come out about why he was unhappy on the show are so tantalizing. Who did what? Who screwed who? Who knows? ::taps side of nose:: Who… knows?

::Missy immediately disintegrates Santa:: "You killed Santa Claus!" "Well, I had no use for the coal."

Bring in Craig Ferguson as a Harry Sullivan type!

I recently read his autobiography (Who On Earth Is Tom Baker?). Tom Baker LOVED that job.

"This time… nobody dies! Okay, I'm out of here."

Such ribaldry! A ha!

We need these threads. Is that sew bad?

It depends on the woman. There are some for whom enthusiasm for superheroes is a turn-on, but for most ladies a man in tights and a mask is Robin himself of all dignity.