
The old "fun factory." Terrible.

When they recorded the dialogue, he was actually wearing a Garfield costume instead of a hazmat suit.

"No Bill Murrays were faked during the filming of this motion picture."

Fast and Fasterer

It turns them into a packet of crisps! ::kicks vending machine:: Mayhem!!!

I love Parklife so much better than Woo hoo. I think I got burned out when it was in every movie preview for a while there. It was the "BWAAAMMMPPP" of its generation, I suppose.

These guys are pretty dumb, but you'd think they watch TV and would be aware of what meth is just from seeing or hearing people talk about Breaking Bad. I guess they missed that, though.

::rings handlebar dingy bell::

Ah yes. Sorry. It's "Dr. Who."

Permission to SQUEEEEE!

"I'm tellin' ya, doc, it was a million-to-one shot!"

It is as hard for a rich man to get into heaven as it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, so it's a good thing the rich are so hard-working and virtuous that they can manage it no probs.

Hellooooooo Bugler!

And Crow's "That's not a doll! That's a sister!" seems more like a goofy uncle joke that someone making fun of the movie. It's so sweet. I love it.

*Really* glad I wore my grizzly armor today. It could easily sustain tree more beatings like that.

As cheesy as that movie is, and as badly done as the dubbing is, my heart still breaks for poor, little Lupita. Isn't there even a scene where her world-weary mom is telling her that some kids don't get anything for Christmas or something?

I'm glad they avoided spoilers. I hate when you know some big plot point before the movie comes out. When someone on the crew leaks a picture from a set, I'm always annoyed by what a photosynthesis.

If trees boreal get tired of this thread real quick.

Well, someone seems to think they can cellulose and make a lot of money.

Stop right there, bud, before I deciduous bothering me.