
"Hey, it was great being in your movie under all this makeup, but I gotta get goin'." (Leans in close) "No one will ever believe you."

From what I've heard about this movie, they might have been better off reuniting Carrey and Daniels in a different film as new characters. They seem to work well together.

It was dumberer than she thought.

You haff sonk mah bettlesheep!

Why doesn't he do more film cameos where he gets knocked around for comedic effect? Isn't there an audience for that?

Lloyd gets all the way to a senate seat despite being an imbecile by just following his consultants' advice and always appearing "warm" and smiling constantly.

I always imagine these jokes being told in the voice TV's Frank used when very self-consciously doing a corny joke and really trying to sell it, so it's always funny to me. "And this Michelle Bachman? Don't even get me started!"

I only loved Frank more once I discovered his Twitter feed. He's like the co-worker or family member who makes the uncomfortable political jokes you wouldn't say out loud, but are happy to chuckle at.

::shrugs:: I disagree. No love lost between him and Gallagher, though.

They were able to do a lot of forced perspective filming to make her look about regular sized for this film. Pretty good for Roger Corman.

Them evil queens. Yow!

"NO!! NOOO!!!"

That's just the TARDIS translation circui- Oh, no, I guess not.

Yeah, for a long time I was too distracted by how much I missed Trace and Frank to realize that Pearl is a real treat.

That's my guess. I'd hate to lose a single minute of MST3K. I wonder if they'd take out the spaghetti ball bumpers or speed up the credits?

Let's say for instance they tell a joke about a centipede. That never loses relevance. Twenty years later, it's still a centipede. IT'S ALWAYS BEEN CALLED A CENTIPEDE!

Dame McMaggSmith

Menacing black cloud of CGI bugs emerges from the computer screen and swarms around Gentileman's head, buzzing ever more loudly.

I'd say divide it up over two nights, and see how much the audience grows for part #2.

Lotta vegetable sources of protein out there, actually.