
Is it too soon to reboot this reboot? Can I skip the next 10 years of Fantastic Four movies and just get to where they're part of the MCU?

If this movie inexplicably takes off and makes millions upon millions of dollars, Marvel is really gonna wish they'd made the Incredible Hulk just a guy who wears a lot of green and gives savage Yelp reviews.

I'm not THAT into the Fantastic Four or anything, but still: FUCK!

Usually it doesn't hit me this hard when a celebrity has terrible accusations against them, but in the case of Bill Cosby, I have no idea what's true and what isn't but I want to cry either way.

Each episode should end with a cliffhanger, a loud, buzzing sound, and a kickass end theme as the credits roll over a view of the time vortex from AoD.

(The Evil Dead then comes back as a TV series, but with voiceover narration by Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City.)

lol so random!

The image of a moon-sized alien creature hatching from the moon and flying away chased away any problems I had with "Kill The Moon." That was a beautiful moment.

I dunno about that. I could see getting further and further into that god charade and getting increasingly nervous about getting found out.

That's the important part of the article too. He's not just daydreaming. He actually read a real script wherein the character was awesome and had way more to do. It sounds like he's rightfully a bit wistful about what would have happened if he'd had the chance to perform the character as originally written, while

I think they're just saying that in the country club that is Ghostbusters, he is the groundskeeper: a very important job! Ask any golfer!

"I think you and Vigo love each other, but I don't think you're GOOD for each other." "You're right, Kathy. I wish I could meet a guy who isn't a world-domination-obsessed psychopath." "Men: can't live with 'em, can't have a single conversation without obsessing over our relationships with them." "Oh LOL Kathy!"

I guess it's possible the character was a PhD-level art… restoration… person all along and the Philharmonic stuff was her following a dream to see how far it could take her.

We can expect the new Ghostbusters film, though, to feature four women talking to each other about ghosts.

Like there aren't gay werewolves out there.

I get the feeling if they had made Winston their liason to the EPA they wouldn't have had to fight a marshmallow man at the end.

Alaskan bullfighting is so fucking barbaric. Why don't you give the BULLS snowmachines TOO??? Then it'll be a sporting contest.

You might also say it hurts the film that one member of the team at its center isn't introduced until halfway through, and then gets very little to do.

You might also say it hurts the film that one member of the team at its center isn't introduced until halfway through, and then gets very little to do.

"Sex! Now that I have your attention, I'll be taking that necklace."