
It isn't a mop, and it isn't a puppet, but brother…

I managed to stifle my laughter at that, sitting at my desk at work, but it was no easy task.

So The Altered State of Druggachusetts?

I guess the thing with Alf is that he's supposed to be an alien, and the thing with Muppets and Greg the Bunny is they're supposed to just be… living puppets I guess? I dunno, I always liked Muppet Babies better than Muppets.

Is this true or are you delirious on a morphine drip?

Other than the fact that his act has that same sort of familiar cheesiness that is the same reason so many people make fun of Garfield, and the jalapeno on a stick voice feels kind of racist or at least insensitive, he seems like a pretty good guy and it's kind of bewilderingly cool the size of room he's able to fill

That's like an Amicus horror story, except it's missing some kind of ironic murder climax.

Lord help you if there's no ham on the craft services table.

The clown puppet is calling from inside the house? Get out of there!

"He's a woozle, and his name is Peanut."

"I thought she was a sandwich, till she went spare on me hand."


Big McLargehuge

"Oh look! Orion is bankrupt." - Crow

You have excellent taste. Would it include a fully functional version of the organ that rises out of the floor?

Vincent! You're alive! And you grew the ear back! Good for you!

But because of his policies, now the whole country is catching the Ebolma Disease!!!!!11

B-but if we aren't always going into middle eastern wars for dubious reasons, how will we make defense contractors very, very, very, very rich?

In order to be more original, I'm going to stand at a whiteboard for a while, trying to make some sort of connection between this and "Sink The Pink" without making a prison rape joke, which are unconscionable.

The AC/DC joke machine has just kicked into Maximum Overdrive.