
Confirmed. Avengers was my first of the new-wave Marvel Studios films, and what got my interested in them in the first place.

It helps that it seems to have been written to ease newbies into the Zapped! Cinematic Universe: "Hey, you have telekinetic powers! Just like the guy from that other movie! The Charles In Charge guy!"

I actually saw Zapped Again! first.

"… and anyways, yer all puppetschhh!" ::hic::

Go home, Ultron. You're drunk.

"That's C-3P0. I built him myself, because fuck anything in these movies making any sense!"

Your jaw was on the floor while seeing Phantom Menace in the theater as well, eh? Ugh.

Beta Ray Bill, nerds. Once we've established that someone else can be worthy, it opens the door to the fact that not only Thor can lift it.

What's so hard about Mewmew?

"I think it moved, Jerry!"


Fox News only wishes it had the power to tell sweet-sounding lies that Loki has.

Love how it budges ever so slightly when Cap first tries, and Thor has a fleeting moment where he seems to think Steve might actually do it.

I was fortunate to have no prior experience with Hawkeye when I saw the first Avengers movie, so I've only experienced an upward slope of the character getting cooler and more interesting every time I see or read about him. :)

Love that ending. Isn't killing everyone with your telekinetic powers the standard high school fantasy?

So, Blunderfalls? (a cacophany of groans and reluctant, pity applause)

Bring back Frofly!

Not too much, though. This is the sort of thing where if you add too much weight, there's too great an emotional cost.

Things go from bad to worse when James Randi shows up! Whuh-oh!

Looks like what we came up with is, "A show about a poop shop owner who discovers she has boobs." Dammit, people! Take this seriously!