
"A show about a (type of business) owner who discovers she has (special ability)."

Ben Affleck presents Deep Impact, based on the stand-up comedy of Maria Bamford.

I don't know about PhonyPope, but I fuck myself by my OWN schedule!

That's bad.

::tries to cover self with hands::

"I need to get to Gettysburg ASAP. Gotta make an address." ::puts on helmet of steampunk Iron Lincoln suit. flies off.::

I listened to the We Hate Movies podcast about Catwoman, which I think counts as having seen it. It is, anyway, the closest thing to seeing the film I'm ever going to do.

Thor: Thunder Ass Clap

I read this with my son and it was a lot of fun. When Thanos showed up in Guardians of the Galaxy, he turned to me and said, "That's the guy from Pet Avengers!"

Damn. The Iron Man got faaaaaaat.

"He was typing something when he died." "Weird. What does it say?" "'FUCK!'"

"BUT TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY!" should indeed be spoken by Thor in front of a host of Asgardian warriors.

"Swiftboat Veterans Who Badly Want To Keep A Republican In The White House."

He'll give you a very uncomfortable speech about "slaving over hot snatches."

But repubs like Bush don't want to actually BE in the military. They just want to suck up to the military and talk it up in order to bask in the reflected glow of the armed forces (real or imagined) aura of duty and strength and forthrightness.

He's dumb, too. It would take two of him to get any stupider. ::rimshot::

I love the old Hulkbuster Garfield.

"But you don't have to take MY word for it!" :)

A da'ish is actually a Klingon baked good. It's kind of like a cheese danish, only filled with blood and highly toxic to humans.