
… or Sutekh.

Jeez. Just change it's name to Osiris or Horus or something.

Ebola!? AAAAHHHHHH!! ::jumps out window Reefer Madness-style::

She may have been teen-me's favorite thing about that movie.

I need to get back into '66. I've read a few issues and it's fun as all hell.

Sure, Joker. Just please don't actually Google "enema."

Is this to also include loving close-ups of our heroes' butts as they slip into rubber bat-suits?

It's a good thing this is Marvel and not DC. Otherwise, what if Benedict had to go up against that arch-fiend The Pangwing? Pengowan? Paeng…?

"I'm Doctor Steven Strange. My card. It also has the website of my band on it. You should check us out."

I'm guardedly optimistic that he can pull this off. He'll have to look and act very differently than Sherlock/Khan. Maybe the goatee will bring something out of him, and also make him able to talk in a posh, northeastern American accent.

That's also my only problem with this. Does he have to play someone in EVERY current, major sci-fi/fantasy franchise?

I think the in-universe explanation is that he has some pathetic work-from-home job like cartoonist. Yes, I said "in-universe" to describe something pertaining to Garfield.

Kind of unrelated but: It's fun to take the headlines of Slate's Dear Prudence columns and add "AACK!" to either the beginning or end.

The Vegas years

Especially when they reveal that the REAL villain is Jafar.

I hope Ultron sings a sad song seated at a piano.

Shatner denies involvement while live-tweeting Agents of SHIELD.

I really hope the news media immediately dubs the Hulkbuster armor "Fat Iron Man," to Tony Stark's chagrin.

"To fight this enemy, I'll have to become Superman IV: The Quest for Peace!"

Bet you didn't fight the war just so our generation could watch YouTube videos in a movie theater, did you sir?