
John Goodman

Why not just create a new hero, then, and call him Murderman?

Hugh Laurie?

He reminds me of a young me.

Marvel says it's gonna be usin' Hawkguy more, but I don't think there's plans for a standalone Hawkguy movie.

Or as the Tea Partiers will be calling her, "No-llary."

If you don't like gritty, switch from Metamucil to FiberCon.

Marvel is driving my wife mad with all this Doctor Strange business. By the god-damn something of Shoggoth, just make a real announcement or stop talking about it!

I like the human, emotional side as well, but I also want a lot of satisfying smashing. But no killing, because I don't like when they get all dark and edgy with Hulk. For me, Hulk is about dealing with emotions, as well as how satisfying it would be to literally punch through brick walls when you're frustrated.

I've only really begun to realize how much of a Spider-verse the comics create. There's no reason to keep telling the origin story when you could tell stories about Spider-man 2099 or the various other spider-people out there.

Yeah, it feels more like they just retconned a lot of stuff to fit it into the Marvel Cinematic Universe better, rather than doing a "hard reboot."

"Evenin', Mr. Petersen."

I consider any movie that takes place in America to be an unofficial sequel to that Lincoln movie that came out a couple years ago.

I've heard speculation that Red Dwarf takes place in the Alien universe. Then again, at some point or another during this sort of speculation one has to look up from one's work and realize one is being rather silly.

Will he invite Dan Ackroyd to sing "Merry Christmas, Baby (You Sure Been Good To Me)" dressed as Elwood Blues?

He should team up with England's Tom Baker and they can be an unstoppable force of lovable uncle-ness.

Hey, I'll keep you in mind.

I hope he sings alongside Carrie Fisher, in full Princess Leia costume, accompanied by a hologram version of Starship.

I certainly hope it's followed by a triumphant, little dance.

The only thing I liked about Civil War was seeing Spider-Man kick Mr. Fantastic in the face. But then I just felt sad and dirty afterward.