
Ugh. I hated Civil War. It's just so the opposite of what I want to experience from a superhero comic.

I'll check my deleted items box. I get so many emails from Doris, I've stopped paying attention.

My favorite Beatles is the Hard Days Night era Beatles. I know they did much more "important" music later on - and I love that stuff too - but something about that moment in the Beatles evolution is so appealing. It just captures some ideal form of youth and fun. It's this idealized form of young-adult camaraderie.

I put on the hits station occasionally, and the reward is sometimes something comes along that just makes you happy. Maybe it isn't a work of genius, but you like it. Though there are some trappings of modern pop music that bother me (the huge subset of songs that sound like the same obnoxious, computerized drumbeat

I remember finding it odd that there was another "I kissed a girl" song in the top 40, years after that other "I kissed a girl" song with the Fabio video. That's still a charming, old video, that is.

When did we all stop doing real productive work in this country and instead get bogged down firing each other and apologizing for things on a full-time basis?

I don't know much about her, but I love how she's a recovered Christian rocker who throws around occult imagery in her videos.

Wow. Did they take out a Craigslist ad? "We can't pay you, but you would be getting a great deal of exposure for your music. Also, there will be snacks available to the teams and coaches, which you would be able to partake of (in the kitchen, not in front of guests)."

Or maybe a story about four people who have to battle the Ghostbusters franchise, which keeps returning from the dead to cause mayhem.

::hikes up nerd pants. pushes glasses up on bridge of nose:: Well, actually the new Star Trek films aren't reboots, but rather… ::removes glasses:: Nevermind. You've heard it all before. ::walks slowly away, staring at his feet::

I'd watch that if it was Jack Black and Mos Def. :)

Worth checking out, then? I'm enjoying their run of Godzilla comics.

Another option: Retain the name "Ghostbusters," but make the film about a team of ghosts who break things.

Will John Noble be involved in any capacity?

I read a scene that was cut from the script, in which Spock Prime watches a recording of the last message he received from Kirk Prime. It was kind of touching and appropriate, though now that we've got two NuTrek films under our belts, it might be a bit unnecessary to add something like that.

I was just thinking this. I remember reading the original concept including something about alternate realities, and it might even be interesting to imply that there are other Earths in their universe in which humanity has taken different measures against these paranormal incursions. But even if they went this route,

Since it's Sony, I'm hoping they go with The Amazing Ghostbustwomen.

Maybe it could be two friends who are professors with an obsession for the paranormal, and they're marginalized by their peers: in part for being into spooky, non-science-seeming stuff, and in part for being women who dare to question the status quo. Then maybe one of them has a sister with combat experience and the

"On the next episode of I Love This Town, Winston takes on a job as a welder. Also, mysterious goings on are happening, but not so mysterious as to attract anyone's attention yet. What could it mean? Well, you know what it means. It means the events of the first Ghostbusters movie are being teased, but never will be

So if we think about J. Edgar Hoover, then J. Edgar Hoover is going to come and direct this Ghostbusters film?